Our Town Connect

visited this project
3 years ago
With "Our Town Connect" (https://ourtownconnect.com/hopewellvalley/) we can effectively connect local merchants, mom-and-pops, artists and non-profits with local residents when they’re ready to take a walk or buy a burger. Or when they’re simply looking for something to do or some place to volunteer. Any time of day or night. Whenever the mood or spirit moves them. "Our Town Connect" offers a directory and links to on-line store fronts that are easily maintained and updated + a calendar of local events & activities + a map to easily get them there. And it’s open to anyone in our town. Our mission is to engage the public in building a strong and connected community that is integral to the economic development and collective well-being of our Valley. We believe that access to arts, culture, history, good food and plenty of outdoor activities are vital to the social and psychological well-being of our diverse community.
  • Design Brief3 years ago
    Logo Name
    Our Town Connect
    Company Intro
    With "Our Town Connect" (https://ourtownconnect.com/hopewellvalley/) we can effectively connect local merchants, mom-and-pops, artists and non-profits with local residents when they’re ready to take a walk or buy a burger. Or when they’re simply looking for something to do or some place to volunteer. Any time of day or night. Whenever the mood or spirit moves them. "Our Town Connect" offers a directory and links to on-line store fronts that are easily maintained and updated + a calendar of local events & activities + a map to easily get them there. And it’s open to anyone in our town. Our mission is to engage the public in building a strong and connected community that is integral to the economic development and collective well-being of our Valley. We believe that access to arts, culture, history, good food and plenty of outdoor activities are vital to the social and psychological well-being of our diverse community.
    We need two logos for our site. A horizontal one for the header and a square/circular one for the footer. See: https://ourtownconnect.com/hopewellvalley/ for where we will be placing our logo. In both instances, please emphasize the word Connect. For the horizontal logo: Please use the words "Our Town Connect" Please use a google font. Please use black, white and gold (#C4B454). The gold will need to be easily changeable to other colors. Please keep the vertical space as tight as possible for best WordPress display. For square/circular logo: Please use the words "Our Town Connect" Please see the current placeholder in the footer (link above) for size and placement ideas. Please use black, white and gold (#C4B454). The gold will need to be easily changeable to other colors. You may include symbols if they fit the size and color constraints. Looking for casual elegant feel. To start, we'll be using this logo on our website. Then we'll need to adapt to social (profile image etc), biz cards/letterhead/tees, etc.
  • AnandArts selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed3 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 178 submissions from 38 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #198 by AnandArts
    #194 by Dhieko
    #191 by sheilavalencia
    #186 by Sami Ur Rab
    #181 by yunda
    #180 by Gwerth
    #177 by Kipli92
    #174 by MarkindDesign
    #171 by mutafailan
    #168 by Donadell
    #167 by aryamaity
    #163 by Sourav Sarker
    #159 by jancok
    #157 by Andri Herdiansyah
    #155 by coco
    #152 by jaize
    #146 by Girly
    #144 by bomie
    #142 by Altis
    #134 by cintoko
    #133 by akilis13
    #124 by garam
    #117 by Asani Chie
    #112 by Webphixo
    #111 by serprimero
    #110 by Dawnxisoul393
    #103 by sanworks
    #97 by BrainStorming
    #94 by Rossee
    #93 by InitialD
    #82 by oke2angconcept
    #73 by bigboss
    #52 by Artomoro
    #45 by RIANW
    #42 by okta rara
    #41 by Fear
    #23 by art84
    #8 by cikiyunn
    ALL 178 Designs >
  • Design #58 by AnandArts is declared WINNER!3 years ago
    #58 by AnandArts