Our Town Connect
With "Our Town Connect" (https://ourtownconnect.com/hopewellvalley/) we can effectively connect local merchants, mom-and-pops, artists and non-profits with local residents when they’re ready to take a walk or buy a burger. Or when they’re simply looking for something to do or some place to volunteer. Any time of day or night. Whenever the mood or spirit moves them. "Our Town Connect" offers a directory and links to on-line store fronts that are easily maintained and updated + a calendar of local events & activities + a map to easily get them there. And it’s open to anyone in our town. Our mission is to engage the public in building a strong and connected community that is integral to the economic development and collective well-being of our Valley. We believe that access to arts, culture, history, good food and plenty of outdoor activities are vital to the social and psychological well-being of our diverse community.- $199
- 178
All Submissions178