Martial Flow and Movement

visited this project
5 years ago
Martial Arts conditioning, movement, and breath work for beginners. We train Body and Mind using both ancient and modern practices to learn to control and strengthen our movement. Teaching you to condition and train your body from the ground up using a series of stretches, aerobics, animal movements, ground flow, falls, rolls and more.
  • Design Brief5 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Martial Flow and Movement
    Company Intro:
    Martial Arts conditioning, movement, and breath work for beginners. We train Body and Mind using both ancient and modern practices to learn to control and strengthen our movement. Teaching you to condition and train your body from the ground up using a series of stretches, aerobics, animal movements, ground flow, falls, rolls and more.
    Combination of external strength and inner peace.. simple 3 color design. We like elements of nature, elements of the mind body connection, elements of breathing.

    Reference Samples:

  • CreativeMinds is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • Ultimatum is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • dasigns is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed5 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 53 submissions from 16 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #65 by Creativeminds
    #64 by Ultimatum
    #61 by dasigns
    #53 by ekitessar
    #51 by jaize
    #49 by il-in
    #46 by Fforevera
    #45 by yunda
    #44 by Optimus
    #34 by Roma
    #29 by Gwerth
    #28 by AamirKhan
    #27 by kimora
    #15 by bricton
    #13 by MAXR
    #10 by Girly
    ALL 53 Designs >
  • Design #64 by Ultimatum is declared WINNER!5 years ago
    #64 by Ultimatum