Victory Pyrotechnics & Special Effects

visited this project
2 months ago
Victory specializes in multimedia pyrotechnics and special effects. We are involved with all types of production including pyrotechnics (fireworks), stage lighting/audio, and special effects.
  • Design Brief5 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Victory Pyrotechnics & Special Effects
    Company Intro:
    Victory specializes in multimedia pyrotechnics and special effects. We are involved with all types of production including pyrotechnics (fireworks), stage lighting/audio, and special effects.
    We would like to keep the logo very modern and simple, we are often referred to as "VP" so incorporating that would be cool if possible. I have attached in the references a picture of some of our work so you can better understand what it is that we do. We are a business built on Christian values. If we could somehow subtly incorporate the Cross that would awesome. However, it is not a requirement. Logo colors should include a cardinal red (primary), white, and black (secondary).

    Reference Samples:

  • ingepro is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed5 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 65 submissions from 16 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #68 by ingepro
    #60 by denfransko
    #58 by excelentlogo
    #56 by bunda_shaquilla
    #53 by jaize
    #46 by kitaro
    #45 by AamirKhan
    #43 by semar
    #37 by bricton
    #35 by ozenkgraphic
    #22 by JessicaLopes
    #21 by MonkDesign
    #12 by megalogos
    #10 by ruki
    #2 by RIANW
    #1 by p0peye
    ALL 65 Designs >
  • Design #68 by ingepro is declared WINNER!5 years ago
    #68 by ingepro