Locatelli Moving & Storage, Inc.

visited this project
4 years ago
This will be a logo design for a client that currently has a moving and storage business and has not had a logo for almost 20 years. They are a local company that is affiliated with United Van Lines. So, they can move a single item, someone from one house to another across town, and entire office building or a major moving project across the country. The have to use the United logo on the trucks and signs along with their new logo we will create, so what we really want is a logo that shows the more personal end of the moving & storage business. Any color combo works but the client would like to see some blue. She is very fond of pelicans even though they do not have anything to do with moving, she loves the pelican and suggested the idea we try a few logo idea using the pelican. She is also located on the coast of Santa Cruz, California, so a coastal scene would also work. Something simple like boxes and a dolly or more complex like a moving guy or a family..it all works. She knows we are doing a contest, and is very excited. The website is: http://www.locatellimoving.com Have lots of fun with this one! The logo will go on her signs, trucks, decals and business cards. Scoring will not happen until the end as the client will look at all the entries as the close of the contest. Good luck!
  • Design Brief13 years ago
    Logo Name
    Locatelli Moving & Storage, Inc.
    Company Intro
    This will be a logo design for a client that currently has a moving and storage business and has not had a logo for almost 20 years. They are a local company that is affiliated with United Van Lines. So, they can move a single item, someone from one house to another across town, and entire office building or a major moving project across the country. The have to use the United logo on the trucks and signs along with their new logo we will create, so what we really want is a logo that shows the more personal end of the moving & storage business. Any color combo works but the client would like to see some blue. She is very fond of pelicans even though they do not have anything to do with moving, she loves the pelican and suggested the idea we try a few logo idea using the pelican. She is also located on the coast of Santa Cruz, California, so a coastal scene would also work. Something simple like boxes and a dolly or more complex like a moving guy or a family..it all works. She knows we are doing a contest, and is very excited. The website is: http://www.locatellimoving.com Have lots of fun with this one! The logo will go on her signs, trucks, decals and business cards. Scoring will not happen until the end as the client will look at all the entries as the close of the contest. Good luck!
    She is very fond of pelicans even though they do not have anything to do with moving, she loves the pelican and suggested the idea we try a few logo idea using the pelican. She is also located on the coast of Santa Cruz, California, so a coastal scene would also work. Something simple like boxes and a dolly or more complex like a moving guy or a family..it all works. She knows we are doing a contest, and is very excited. The website is: http://www.locatellimoving.com This just in from the client: I was think of three trucks on a row: A semi truck, a bobtail truck and then a pack van (step van). All in a row like ducks? maybe? maybe not?
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  • Design Concepts Completed13 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #13 by KDesigns is declared WINNER!13 years ago
    #13 by KDesigns