The Busted Bottle

visited this project
6 years ago
Create artwork out of wine and/or liquor bottles.
  • Design Brief6 years ago
    Logo Name:
    The Busted Bottle
    Company Intro:
    Create artwork out of wine and/or liquor bottles.
    Would like to see a bottle that is busted in some way. Can be fun and/or classy. Please use gold and black. Competitors logo attached

    Reference Samples:

  • Client595086 years ago
    No beer bottles
  • Client595086 years ago
    Does not need to be teal! Accepting all ideas!
  • Client595086 years ago
    These are good so far, but how about a bottle as a mascot. broken in half .. maybe with wine spilling out... or A cartoonish busted bottle. Just some suggestions!
  • Client595086 years ago
    We would like to see actual busted bottles.
  • Client595086 years ago
    The one ranked first we like the direction that it is going the best. We would like to see a pop of color. We also do picture an actual busted bottle in the logo.
  • Design Concepts Completed6 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 83 submissions from 19 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #88 by vinve
    #73 by jaize
    #71 by zenith
    #69 by MManishSaini
    #65 by Llogoviral
    #64 by dchris
    #56 by YONK
    #53 by nurul_rizkon
    #52 by jetzu
    #31 by ammad
    #29 by ohtani15
    #21 by Susanti
    #17 by qqdesigns
    #14 by Gilu
    #12 by BlessedArt
    #9 by tejo
    #7 by ArRizqu
    #4 by abss
    #2 by DDiancox
    ALL 83 Designs >
  • Design #85 by vinve is declared WINNER!6 years ago
    #85 by vinve