Anies strijkatelier

visited this project
6 years ago
ironing shop, we are going to iron their laundry for people
  • Design Brief6 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Anies strijkatelier
    Company Intro:
    ironing shop, we are going to iron their laundry for people
    I would like to keep the colors and style as in the examples

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Client618836 years ago
    dear, thank you for taking part in my contest, I also like to process an iron in the design, good luck and let it come fantasies Greetings Andrea
  • C
    Client618836 years ago
    no one gives me any other examples
  • Design Concepts Completed6 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 81 submissions from 20 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #84 by J0s3Ph
    #83 by serprimero
    #79 by samuraiXcreations
    #73 by Foxcody
    #72 by jaize
    #71 by dshineart
    #69 by dchris
    #65 by keylogo
    #59 by done
    #56 by giphone
    #53 by JessicaLopes
    #41 by ElonStark
    #39 by schiena
    #38 by cintoko
    #32 by dibyo
    #29 by EkoBooM
    #25 by bricton
    #23 by bomie
    #22 by checx
    #18 by megalogos
    ALL 81 Designs >
  • Design #80 by serprimero is declared WINNER!6 years ago
    #80 by serprimero