On Tap Branding

visited this project
7 years ago
I've been a marketing consultant for years but starting a new arm that caters specifically to breweries. I live in Colorado where they are plentiful and more opening every day. Services I offer: 1. Start up package with logo, website, etc. 2. Branded retail merchandise including apparel, glassware, stickers, coasters, anything you put a logo on 3. Event planning/brewery tours 4. Strategic planning in terms of marketing and communication
  • Design Brief7 years ago
    Logo Name:
    On Tap Branding
    Company Intro:
    I've been a marketing consultant for years but starting a new arm that caters specifically to breweries. I live in Colorado where they are plentiful and more opening every day. Services I offer: 1. Start up package with logo, website, etc. 2. Branded retail merchandise including apparel, glassware, stickers, coasters, anything you put a logo on 3. Event planning/brewery tours 4. Strategic planning in terms of marketing and communication
    1. This logo should have a Colorado feel 2. No bottles or cans in the logo. These are breweries that feature their beers "on tap" 3. Maybe incorporate hops, barley, foaming beer glass, etc. but don't get to cliche. Be original 4. Remember I'm not the actual brewery but consult for them. I had a design idea with a lightbulb but it wasn't working with the other "beer" feel. Maybe you can see that differently. 5. My tag line is long and would probably be used on the back of the business card and not fit in the logo but just for your info it's: Marketing and Retail Solutions for Breweries Thank you!
  • marshall7 years ago
    #25 #26
  • marshall7 years ago
    #63 #64
  • torresace is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • veron is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • jaize is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed7 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 80 submissions from 18 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #80 by jaize
    #78 by torresace
    #71 by veron
    #66 by MRANTASI
    #65 by ChilmiFahruzi
    #64 by marshall
    #62 by sheilavalencia
    #52 by Greenlight
    #46 by savvyartstudio
    #41 by BaneVujkov
    #23 by Akli
    #21 by cwrproject
    #15 by invento
    #10 by uttam
    #5 by akhi
    #4 by graphica
    #3 by bricton
    #1 by oke2angconcept
    ALL 80 Designs >
  • Design #80 by jaize is declared WINNER!7 years ago
    #80 by jaize
  • C
    Client590717 years ago
    Where do I go to upload the files for my winning logo?