M A P (an acronym for Musically Alert Parents)

visited this project
4 months ago
This is a nonprofit bringing awareness to parents (all adults) to help them to understand that inappropriate music not intended for children and can be dangerous to their future decision making and cognitive thinking.
  • Design Brief7 years ago
    Logo Name:
    M A P (an acronym for Musically Alert Parents)
    Company Intro:
    This is a nonprofit bringing awareness to parents (all adults) to help them to understand that inappropriate music not intended for children and can be dangerous to their future decision making and cognitive thinking.
    There are a few elements that i would like to see upfront or at least implied. 1. Headphones that look like music notes over the ears of a child's head or some type of globe shape sphere that represents a child's head. The head needs to be neutral where you cannot not see gender or race. 2. A suttle element of the yin yang symbol representing good and bad music. Not necessarily white and black. 3. A map or suttle element of a map that shows a fork in the road. One way leads to positive music and the other way leads to negative music. This needs to be a symbol simple enough so that when people see it, it says "Be conscious of the music you listen to when under aged children are around, and at the same time show a contrast of negative music BAD, positive music GOOD!!!

    Reference Samples:

  • jaize is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • DreamLogoDesign is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed6 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 19 submissions from 7 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #19 by DreamLogoDesign is declared WINNER!6 years ago