Courier Connect

visited this project
7 years ago
Our company provides a software platform to that takes orders sent from companies needing final mile delivery of something, and sends those orders downstream to one of several courier companies. We are electronically integrated with several national and regional courier companies, and our platform will distribute the orders to the couriers based on multiple criteria. For example, a company needing product distribution might tell us that Courier ABC has been selected to do all their local deliveries in Chicago, while they've chosen Courier XYZ to do all their local deliveries in Atlanta. We will take all their orders and distribute them to the appropriate courier. We then provide a very detailed Analytics Dashboard where the company can monitor their couriers' performance. Routing of the delivery orders can also be rate-based, i.e. give the order to the lowest bidder. So while this is very much a technology product, it is also heavy into Logistics and Transportation. We are looking for a logo that reflects a high-tech product, but is also grounded in the pragmatism of the courier business.
  • Design Brief7 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Courier Connect
    Company Intro:
    Our company provides a software platform to that takes orders sent from companies needing final mile delivery of something, and sends those orders downstream to one of several courier companies. We are electronically integrated with several national and regional courier companies, and our platform will distribute the orders to the couriers based on multiple criteria. For example, a company needing product distribution might tell us that Courier ABC has been selected to do all their local deliveries in Chicago, while they've chosen Courier XYZ to do all their local deliveries in Atlanta. We will take all their orders and distribute them to the appropriate courier. We then provide a very detailed Analytics Dashboard where the company can monitor their couriers' performance. Routing of the delivery orders can also be rate-based, i.e. give the order to the lowest bidder. So while this is very much a technology product, it is also heavy into Logistics and Transportation. We are looking for a logo that reflects a high-tech product, but is also grounded in the pragmatism of the courier business.
    Our tag lines are "Local Delivery Simplified" and "Local Delivery Made Easy" . Feel free to include or exclude either one from the logo

    Reference Samples:

  • Design Concepts Completed7 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #61 by mhala is declared WINNER!7 years ago
    #61 by mhala
  • C
    Client532737 years ago

    $5 participation tip awarded to #61 by mhala