- $129
- 1
- Logo Name:
- Tame the Spider
- Company Intro:
- We untangle the mystery behind one's personal finances and help them take one step at a time to create, manage and obtain personal financial goals. From newly married to the estate and retirement planner, we provide the tools to help make financial decisions.
- Instructions:
- Open to ideas - Partially visible web with spider. Name arching from left to right above the spider & web
- A
- hi dear client,
Please check on #63 and #64.. revised versions..
-sch Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.
- Sschiena, please see comment under winner. Thanks
- SInsignia001, This was a very difficult decision we loved your design. Thank you for participating, we would recommend you to anyone!!
- Sjrober11, Thank you so much, we also loved your design!! Sorry there can only be one winner, your design was captivating from the beginning. Thanks again!
- congratssssss@@@@ -sch
- thanks mashoodpp... cheers!! ^_^
- Great contest and thanks in advance for the further recommendations. Congrats schiena!!! ;)
- thanks Insignia001.. Great contest.. cheers!!^_^
- SInsignia001 can I buy your logo too?
Here are some helpful tips to get the most out of your design project:
1. Please leave feedback directly on the designs to guide the designers in the right direction
2. Eliminate designs that you are “not interested”
3. Please score designs between 1 and 100(best) to help designers know your preferences.
We want you to get the best possible design for your business. Thank you for choosing 48HoursLogo.com