
visited this project
8 years ago
The UnChained Mission is:<br>To foster empathy, respect, and responsibility in youth through the human-animal bond.<br><br>UnChained is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Through its Canines Teaching Compassion program, UnChained pairs at-risk youth with homeless dogs for dog training. The youth train homeless dogs in basic skills, manners and socialization, helping the dogs be adopted into permanent homes. The youth develop values of patience, respect and responsibility for themselves and others, through the trust and relationship building with their dogs.<br><br>Our vision is that youth are confident, capable, contributing members of the community and stewards for their fellow humans and animals.
  • Design Brief8 years ago
    Logo Name
    Company Intro
    The UnChained Mission is:<br>To foster empathy, respect, and responsibility in youth through the human-animal bond.<br><br>UnChained is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Through its Canines Teaching Compassion program, UnChained pairs at-risk youth with homeless dogs for dog training. The youth train homeless dogs in basic skills, manners and socialization, helping the dogs be adopted into permanent homes. The youth develop values of patience, respect and responsibility for themselves and others, through the trust and relationship building with their dogs.<br><br>Our vision is that youth are confident, capable, contributing members of the community and stewards for their fellow humans and animals.
    Please see the attached images (in addition to the stock online logos) as they include images we like.<br><br>The ideal logo design for UnChained will: <br>* Convey the human-animal connection while conveying hope for the future.<br>* Include a sense of energy and/or movement.<br>* Be simple in design (so that it may be used as a large image or small). <br>* Be able to be used in color or B&W and with or without the word “UnChained”. <br>* Have room to include a tag line around or underneath: Unleashing human potential… one dog at a time.<br>* Convey connection between humans and dogs but avoid heart symbols as they're overused by shelters and rescues.<br>* Include a human aspect to it (for example, a dog with no human would not meet our needs).<br><br>Colors<br>* Use colors based on the following UnChained color palette:<br>#389FC4 <br>#4F4F4E <br>#9DBF7E<br>#FFD981<br>#8C5358<br>* We are open to any color combination. <br>* We anticipate the logo using 2-3 colors. <br>* We prefer to use the red and blue colors as accent only.<br><br>Fonts<br>Please use either of these fonts:<br>Serif Font (our font for all print pieces) - Georgia<br>Sans Serif Font (our font for online use) - Helvetica<br><br>Additional information: What feelings do we want to convey? <br>* Dogs helping people change their attitudes and beliefs towards themselves and others. <br>* People and dogs helping one another to restore trust in others again.<br>* Dogs helping to restore hope in people who have none.<br>* Kind and trusting relationships between dogs and people.<br>* Hope, Potential and human-canine connection.<br> <br>Additional information: What is the end result of our work? <br>* Capable, confident and compassionate people living as contributing members of their community.<br>* A new lease on life and/or a 2nd chance at a better life, for both humans and animals.<br>* Happy, generous, caring people living full lives, while helping others to do the same.<br>* Realized potential in both people and dogs.<br>

    Reference Samples

  • torresace is selected as the contest finalist!8 years ago
  • wenxzy is selected as the contest finalist!8 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed8 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #64 by torresace is declared WINNER!8 years ago
    #64 by torresace