The New Stewards

visited this project
8 years ago
The New Stewards is a social enterprise and network of young and old people who feel inspired and ready to apply the true expression of their being in service to the harmonization of human and planetary evolution. We are dedicated to the co-creation of a planetary community aligned with, embodying and expressing its individual brilliance while serving the well being of the whole. We aspire to facilitate the conditions where life thrives naturally, and the highest and most authentic expression of individuals, communities and natural systems flows forth into form. We serve the latter through regenerative community development projects, transformational trainings, workshops, community gatherings, nature experiences and well-being retreats. We also strive to maintain an active online and in-person community of new stewards through vlogs, blogs, a strong social media presence and in person and virtual community council circles.
  • Design Brief8 years ago
    Logo Name:
    The New Stewards
    Company Intro:
    The New Stewards is a social enterprise and network of young and old people who feel inspired and ready to apply the true expression of their being in service to the harmonization of human and planetary evolution. We are dedicated to the co-creation of a planetary community aligned with, embodying and expressing its individual brilliance while serving the well being of the whole. We aspire to facilitate the conditions where life thrives naturally, and the highest and most authentic expression of individuals, communities and natural systems flows forth into form. We serve the latter through regenerative community development projects, transformational trainings, workshops, community gatherings, nature experiences and well-being retreats. We also strive to maintain an active online and in-person community of new stewards through vlogs, blogs, a strong social media presence and in person and virtual community council circles.
    I would like the design to be clear, clean and simple- without a tag line. I would like an eagle silhouette with a circle (A: try the 3 circle design included in the helpful images and B: try the simple 1 circle design {try both variations}) around it with "The New Stewards" written A) to the right of the picture and B) underneath it (try both variations). I like the color blue and green- Especially dark blue to teal, if possible use shading in the 3 circle design. Don't hesitate to ask if you are unsure. Your effort will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!!!
  • pakderisher is selected as the contest finalist!8 years ago
  • Landung is selected as the contest finalist!8 years ago
  • Sorjen is selected as the contest finalist!8 years ago
  • C
    Client455218 years ago
  • C
    Client455218 years ago
    Could we try and integrate this silouette (in a different color and changed to suite your individual designs?) Thankyou!
  • C
    Client455218 years ago
    Sorry so last minute with everything- we have just got word of a potential name change to: "The New Earth Impulse"- with the tag-line "Facilitating The Highest Potential Into Form". Your Current designs are good- I will advise on any changes. I apologies for such a late change- hopefully you can all adapt the logo to suit. Thanks so much .
  • Design Concepts Completed8 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #125 by Sorjen is declared WINNER!8 years ago
    #125 by Sorjen