Financial Wellness Show (podcast and brand logo)

visited this project
10 years ago
The focus of this site it to educate Americans on how to live on less than they make, save money, get rid of their dependency on credit and credit cards, and invest wisely. The show features a central host that interviews other financial experts on various personal finance topics. Taglines: Improve the health and wealth of your money. Helping you get control of your money, from beginning to spend.
  • Design Brief10 years ago
    Logo Name
    Financial Wellness Show (podcast and brand logo)
    Company Intro
    The focus of this site it to educate Americans on how to live on less than they make, save money, get rid of their dependency on credit and credit cards, and invest wisely. The show features a central host that interviews other financial experts on various personal finance topics. Taglines: Improve the health and wealth of your money. Helping you get control of your money, from beginning to spend.
    I created a simple logo (see attached) but don't like the font or layout. KEEP: The girl jogging while listening to podcasts (internet radio show via her smartphone) REPLACE: Everything else REMINDER: The main focus should be on FINANCIAL wellness (not health wellness), and I'd like to see the two letters "s" as dollar signs "$". I am also open to ideas for the background (the blue sky is nice but I'm open to suggestions). Feel free to zoom in on the girl (make her image larger). I really want this to POP when you see it in iTunes. Thank you.
  • jaize is selected as the contest finalist!10 years ago
  • ingepro is selected as the contest finalist!10 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed10 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #21 by jaize is declared WINNER!10 years ago
    #21 by jaize