CREW Richmond

visited this project
10 years ago
CREW stands for Commercial Real Estate Women and we are the Richmond, Virginia chapter. We are looking for a refresh of our current logo that addresses our upcoming 25th anniversary. We do not want to stray to far from our current logo...just looking for an updated refresh which highlights our 25th anniversary and could possibly be used thereafter, but dropping the 25th anniversary. We are COMMERCIAL real estate focused...not residential.
  • Design Brief11 years ago
    Logo Name
    CREW Richmond
    Company Intro
    CREW stands for Commercial Real Estate Women and we are the Richmond, Virginia chapter. We are looking for a refresh of our current logo that addresses our upcoming 25th anniversary. We do not want to stray to far from our current logo...just looking for an updated refresh which highlights our 25th anniversary and could possibly be used thereafter, but dropping the 25th anniversary. We are COMMERCIAL real estate focused...not residential.
    We would like to incorporate our same color scheme but are open to shades in the same color family. We are also open to adding a color to highlight the 25th anniversary - maybe silver??? You can check out which will give you a good feel to Richmond, VA. Richmond also has a city brand which is "RVA". I have a vector file of our logo if you need it.

    Reference Samples

  • A
    Admin11 years ago
    Welcome to 48hoursLogo

    Here are some helpful tips to get the most out of your design project:

    1. Please leave feedback directly on the designs to guide the designers in the right direction
    2. Eliminate designs that you are “not interested”
    3. Please rate each design between 1 and 5 stars to help designers know your preference.

    We want you to get the best possible design for your business. Thank you for choosing
  • manabendra11011 years ago
    Kindly upload the vector file.
  • C
    cjeffries11 years ago
    It is a .ai file which the website will not allow me to upload. May I send it you via email?
  • Design Concepts Completed11 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #34 by Norsh is declared WINNER!11 years ago
    #34 by Norsh
  • Norsh11 years ago
    Thank you for select me as winner! :)
    you can download and confirm the package at the bottom of page...
    Thank you again! :)
  • C
    cjeffries11 years ago
    Norsh - We would like to make a tweak as well as discuss a second logo for the year after our 25th anniversary.
  • Norsh11 years ago
    sure, please check #35-37,
    Thank you! :)