Mega Man X: Corrupted

visited this project
12 years ago
I'm hosting a fansite for the Mega Man X: Corrupted fan-made game. Currently, my website is just using plain white text, but I would love to see it jazzed up with a brand new logo.
  • Design Brief12 years ago
    Logo Name
    Mega Man X: Corrupted
    Company Intro
    I'm hosting a fansite for the Mega Man X: Corrupted fan-made game. Currently, my website is just using plain white text, but I would love to see it jazzed up with a brand new logo.
    Please refer to the attached picture and its caption that I wrote. To see the fansite where I am going to use the logo, head on over to I'm also going to replace the "red" sub-theme to "blue" to help match the logo.
  • A
    Admin12 years ago
    Welcome to 48hoursLogo

    Here are some helpful tips to get the most out of your design project:

    1. Please leave feedback directly on the designs to guide the designers in the right direction
    2. Eliminate designs that you are “not interested”
    3. Please rate each design between 1 and 5 stars to help designers know your preference.

    We want you to get the best possible design for your business. Thank you for choosing
  • dbrown3012 years ago
    Hello everyone, thank you for your participation. I'm actually wanting to update this website sooner than later, so I may choose a winner much sooner than the timeframe that I placed on it.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

  • dbrown3012 years ago
    Hi guys, I went through your revisions today and rated the ones I liked best, to keep the paths clear and going in the right direction.

    I've seen a couple with the words "Mega Man" stacked on top of each other. Because of the existing style of my website, I strongly believe that I'll actually be having the words "Mega Man" next to each other instead, to conserve vertical space. However, I do love "Corrupted" being under "Mega Man".
  • dbrown3012 years ago
    Hello again everybody,

    Thank you so much for all of your hard work on this logo contest! This is definitely going to be a very difficult decision. You are all so good!

    Here are some recommendations and features that are standing out to me.

    If you have a 2D logo, attempt to make it "3D" a bit. In a way, I love the original design of the image I uploaded, but I do want to spice it up to make it POP on the site. If this is not feasible for your design, that's fine.

    For my convenience in comparing the logo to the website, please put in a white background. I'm an expert in making the background transparent in MSPaint so it's easier for me to give me an idea of how the site will look. :-P If you have a faded background, gradient, etc. that's part of the logo, please don't remove it. I really enjoy seeing them in there.

    That's all for now. Thank you all for your efforts!

  • dbrown3012 years ago
    Hello participants!

    Thank you all for your hard work. You're all doing amazing jobs. I have rated each your best works and will continue to give you one-on-one advice and ideas as to what I really like about your logos.

    I'll check back here again tomorrow. Best of luck to you all!

  • dbrown3012 years ago
    By the way, I know I have set some pretty strict "wants" for the logo, but if you feel you have an idea outside of my initial desires, feel free to post them.

    I've seen a couple of these logos really stand out that were not really what I was asking for.

    Sorry to be so broad, but your creativity is simply far better than my own. ;-)

  • dbrown3012 years ago
    Good morning/afternoon everybody!

    I have chosen the three finalists to continue work on the logo. Thank you all so very much for your participation!

    This was extremely difficult to select the finalists from so many talented artists!

    I will be honored to have your participation again with future website logos I'll need.

  • dbrown3012 years ago
    @Finalists: I will likely choose a logo within the next 48 hours. Later today I will consult with my team and will evaluate the direction we want to go in.
  • Design Concepts Completed12 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #25 by Tthe_art_throb is declared WINNER!12 years ago
  • dbrown3012 years ago
    Thank you all so very much for your participation. It was an extremely difficult decision, as you are all very talented.

    I look forward to hosting more contests in the future with you!

    Kind regards,