Best Beginnings Infant Massage and Body Movement Program

visited this project
17 hours ago
I am creating an infant massage and baby body movement program. It will show video clips and provide information for parents to learn to do infant massage strokes, plus show ways to physically play with your baby to encourage healthy brain and nervous system development.
  • Design Brief6 days ago
    Logo Name:
    Best Beginnings Infant Massage and Body Movement Program
    Company Intro:
    I am creating an infant massage and baby body movement program. It will show video clips and provide information for parents to learn to do infant massage strokes, plus show ways to physically play with your baby to encourage healthy brain and nervous system development.
    The target audience will be new parents, so baby friendly is important, but please, no pacifiers, bottles or other baby toys or items. There could be a baby in the logo, but there doesn't have to be. I don't have a colour palate in mind, but please no blue and pink together. We are past the 1950's with pink for girls and blue for boys. I would like to be surprised to colour combinations as sometimes you have much better ideas than I do.

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Client473415 days ago
    Thank you all for these great images. If you'd like to show babies, they need to be awake. We don't massage sleeping babies. I'm including images that I found on the web to show you massage poses to help you know what works for me - thanks again
  • ragnar selected as finalist!a day ago
  • pixalrahul selected as finalist!a day ago
  • C
    Client47341a day ago
    This is the colour palate that I'm thinking will work great for this design. Can you use the three colours on the right please?
  • Design Concepts Completed18 hours ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 315 submissions from 32 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #322 by pixalrahul
    #319 by ragnar
    #281 by salim
    #278 by Octavino Arianto
    #240 by Michael Luutu
    #238 by planoLOGO
    #236 by usef44
    #233 by Snapp
    #230 by Sami Ur Rab
    #228 by SC_Design
    #224 by Boomstudioz
    #223 by oindrila chakraborty
    #218 by axel182
    #216 by Rahul Biswas
    #212 by jaize
    #209 by Crushboysourav
    #199 by Koushik
    #192 by IamSoya
    #189 by luckyprasetyo
    #172 by King
    #162 by ingepro
    #147 by jandu
    #126 by syakira
    #120 by DreamLogoDesign
    #100 by HSDesign
    #92 by czars
    #91 by oke2angconcept
    #83 by MonkDesign
    #60 by Bananalicious
    #20 by crafters
    #12 by kaylee
    #8 by giphone
    ALL 315 Designs >
  • Design #321 by pixalrahul is declared WINNER!18 hours ago
    #321 by pixalrahul