- $149
- 141
- Design Name:
- Create Letterhead + Business Card and Shirt Design for Church
- Logo File:
- Instructions:
- Looking for Identity Assets for Church that recently had a logo update Church Name: Summerville Missionary Baptist Church Tagline: Where Every Path Finds Purpose Primary Colors: #8b0000 #efb730 Secondary Color: #5ce1e6 Primary Font/Typeface: Poppins Secondary Font/Typeface: Brittany Website: www.SummervilleMBC.com Address: 690 West 20th Street, Jacksonville, FL 32209 Telephone: 904-354-8186 Please keep the Letterhead, Envelope and Business Card Design modern and clean. Please include the tagline in the design. For the t-shirt, we would like the design to play on our tagline. The shirt should be a fun, exciting design that people of all ages would like to wear. Please design the shirt keeping in mind that the shirt's color will be maroon or #8b0000. Happy to answer any questions for you!
Business cardLetterhead & envelopeT-shirtNote: Based on the design concepts submitted, Contest holder will select 1 winning designer to complete ALL selected brand identities
Open design concept stage had ended with 141 submissions from 7 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.