- $199
- 218
- Logo Name:
- Ponderosa Pine Massage Therapy
- Company Intro:
- Massage therapy that helps clients with over all body health and maintenance. Focus on rehabilitation. Want to attract working people who use their bodies and want to take care of them.
- Instructions:
- Love Ponderosa pine trees, their branches, their bark and their cones. Love watercolors and paintings, mostly looking for a design that is beautiful that would catch peoples attention
Reference Samples:
- M
- MThank you for all the designs so far. I'm noticing that the hands just look creepy so I updated that the description to exclude the hands. Would love to see some designs similar to the second image I downloaded of the pine cone with the yellow background and trees in the background. Thanks
Open design concept stage had ended with 218 submissions from 34 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.