- $199
- 183
- Logo Name:
- company mascot
- Company Intro:
- I have a construction company with excavators and trucks. I currently have a logo in place, but I feel like I want a cool mascot to print on clothes that can be associated with my company. So no text, just a mascot.
- Instructions:
- I don't want a logo, but a mascot for my company. A cool mascot that can be associated with excavators but still cool, not just an excavator but something a little more playful. More playful. Excavators with wheels are called rubber ducks in Sweden, maybe a rubber duck that looks like an excavator..? It can look a little mean. But I don't know what I want myself, so please make suggestions. Maybe you could have a bucket that looks a little angry and cool?
Open design concept stage had ended with 183 submissions from 25 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.