- $199
- 372
- Logo Name:
- NoTaBLe
- Company Intro:
- We are a small family owned and operated livestock business. We operate 3 business entities under "NoTaBLe" NoTaBLe Droughtmasters - We breed Stud Droughtmaster cattle & sell through livestock centres & privately. Target audience is people any age who breed cattle. NoTaBLe Pastoral Group - We breed commercial cattle & horses & sell through livestock centres & privately. Target audience is people any age who breed cattle & horses. NoTaBLe Acres - Horse agistment. Target audience is people any age who have horses but need a location to keep them.
- Instructions:
- I would really like to emphasize "NoTaBLe" in the logo. NoTaBLe is spelt like this as it is a family business with family members having names starting with initials N, L, T, B. Open to have o, a, e being in either capital in a shorter height or lower case. I would like a modern clean looking logo, professional. Preferred colours are green, blue & maroon. I would like a logo to encapsulate all business's with the only alteration between them to be the word " Droughtmasters", "Pastoral Group" or "Acres"Â Â and a different silhouette to represent each. ie. "Droughtmasters" to include a Droughtmaster silhouette into the design. "Pastoral Group" to include a horse & bull/cow silhouette into the design. (I like the attached silhouette of NT Wallace of the horse & cow silhouette) "Acres" to include a horse grazing silhouette into the design.
- NMake the design logo you create be for "NoTaBLe DROUGHTMASTERS"
- NCan this be done please look at comments of design
- NThis is the preferred bull silhouette
Open design concept stage had ended with 372 submissions from 36 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.