Connect Burst

visited this project
2 days ago
Connect Burst is a mobile marketing company that helps small businesses such as restaurants, coffee shops, juice bars and other high-traffic brick and mortar businesses communicate with their customers via text. Their service provides these types of businesses with a kiosk, keyword campaigns and a loyalty program where they can text directly to their customers giving rewards for visiting their stores.
All Submissions139
#136 by axel182 $99
#135 by axel182 $99
#134 by axel182 $99
#132 by axel182 $99
#104 by wriddhi $99
#102 by MUSANG $99
#101 by MUSANG $99
#100 by Gilate $99
#99 by Gilate $99
#98 by abss $99
#97 by abss $99
#96 by abss $99
#89 by Gilate $99
#88 by Gilate $99
#86 by jandu $99
#85 by jandu $99
#84 by jandu $99
#83 by jandu $99
#82 by jandu $99
#81 by jandu $99
#80 by jandu $99
#79 by Gilate $99
#78 by Gilate $99
#76 by subrata $99
#75 by Snapp $99
#73 by Snapp $99
#72 by Fiky Rinaldy
#68 by ruki $99
#67 by scania $99
#66 by scania $99
#65 by scania $99
#64 by Snapp $99
#51 by Gwerth $99
#50 by Gwerth $99
#49 by Gwerth $99
#48 by Gwerth $99
#47 by Gwerth $99
#46 by FaniLa $99
#45 by FaniLa $99
#44 by jaize $99
#43 by jaize $99
#42 by jaize $99
#41 by BeeOne $99
#40 by BeeOne $99
#29 by czars $99
#15 by M J $99
#9 by M J $99
#6 by hopee $99
#5 by hopee $99
#4 by hopee $99
#3 by Avro $99
#2 by Avro $99
#1 by Avro $99