- $129
- 172
- Logo Name:
- Brainstorm TelePsych Nursing, Inc.
- Company Intro:
- I am a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner working for my own solo professional nursing corporation in California. I provide comprehensive mental health evaluations, psychiatric medication management, psychotherapy & more natural approaches too - nutraceuticals/supplement recommendations, life coaching, movement, nutrition, & sleep integration in treatment plans, etc.
- Instructions:
- I want the Brainstorm aspect to tie in symbolism for the brain/mind/psychiatry with a storm -lightning bolt or maybe rain but want to portray this storm having a positive outcome like lightning going into a brain and coming out as a shining sun...something similar would be great..I really want it to be simple/minimal. I love the first pic I added here, which is my friend’s logo, & then the 2 next pics are my 2 favorite so far on here(: I want gold & the like the brain color in the last pic. I also like the circle incorporated somehow. Thank you!
Reference Samples:
- Hi! I love this design! Thank you! I am wondering if we can somehow incorporate branches with leaves or an olive tree branch to the design..?
Open design concept stage had ended with 172 submissions from 33 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.