- $199
- 393
- Logo Name:
- guidestr
- Company Intro:
- Guidestr is an online platform that allows hosts of Short Term Rental properties (the str in guidestr) to create guidebooks for there properties on airbnb, vrbo, booking.com, etc... What sets guidestr apart from other guidebook services, is that it allows hosts to publish there guidebooks to Roku smart TVs, online mobile websites, and print them as well, all from one interface. The target audience is hosts of airbnbs, and secondarily there guests. Competitors are: www.foliotravel.com, touchstay.com, goguidebook.com Our domain is guidestr.us The web application and the Roku app are nearly complete, so it's time for some logo design and branding, which will drive the marketing pages of the site for a beta release to selected hosts.
- Instructions:
- I'd like a logo and the product name "guidestr", preferably a logo on the left, name on the right. I've not settled on if the G in guidestr should be lowercase or uppercase, but either may work. Open to color palette, but whatever is used will drive the colors of the site design. The logo should convey the following terms: ease of use, simple, fast, reliable, motion, travel, and smart
Reference Samples:
Open design concept stage had ended with 393 submissions from 79 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.