- $199
- 156
- Logo Name:
- Hydroblasting, Technology
- Company Intro:
- Business is a training division for an industrial service provider. We provide Hydro Blasting at all pressures up to Business is a training division for an industrial service provider. We provide Hydro Blasting at all pressures up to 40,000 psi. We are leaning towards automation and that requires A lot of training. I also lead our technical group in coming up and creating new technologies for our industry. Just looking for a really cool logo to start using for my group. I’ve attached some that I kinda like and actually one that I worked on a little. Target audience is refineries petrochemical facilities and other industrial service providers.
- Instructions:
- I like the attached here’s the company logo. I have a separate division doing Training and Technology. You show another I really like. I attached it I’m in Industrial Cleaning for refineries. High pressure water blasting I lead the training group and the technology group. All one division. Red/Gray/ Black are the colors. I really like the blue. The red logo is my poor attempt. I would really like to tie in a blasting head or some hydroblasting technology into the logo if possible. Not sure what that would be but creativity would be great You can use the and signed or just the end. Each would work so it could read the letters TNT, or T & T. Looking for both.
Open design concept stage had ended with 156 submissions from 38 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.