Spring Sale

visited this project
2 months ago
Design a promo logo to show that our beach houses are available for rent in spring with a discount for regular guests. Design this promo logo in line with our other corporate identity and use the same colors and typical way of the E in which the waves of the sea are. And the A which should be the roof of the beach house. See also the supplied files. Because it is a promo logo it may have more expression. The use of the Gotham font is not mandatory. A font that has a little more expression may be used. Please note! We are not a hard sell company. We receive families on the beach who we want to offer an unforgettable time at sea by enjoying the surrounding nature together. Text for the promotional logo for 3 countries in which we advertise. This is the English market, German market and Dutch market: Version for the English market: Spring Sale For loyal guests Version for the German maket: Frühling Vorteil für Stammgäste Version for the Dutch market Voorjaars Voordeel Voor onze vaste gasten