MAD(Made A Decision)

visited this project
8 days ago
MAD (Made A Decision) is a brand I want to start focusing on recovery, growth, change, better health and fitness. All of them required me to make a decision to buckle down and get serious. Its starting with an online store with apparel and other products showcasing quotes and inspirational sayings throughout my journey, Life goals etc... Alot of decisions had to be made during these 2years I have of sobriety, and I want to share my journey with the world that can relate. My target audience is anybody that has made a decision for a better version on themselves. Also how important making the right one can change your life to whatever it is you want it to be. How commitment discipline, and consistency is the key. For growth after we decide.
All Submissions227
#236 by done $99
#235 by salis17 $99
#234 by salis17
#229 by salis17 $99
#228 by salis17 $99
#227 by salis17 $99
#207 by DuckOn $99
#206 by DuckOn $99
#205 by DuckOn $99
#204 by DuckOn $99
#203 by DuckOn $99
#202 by PMG $99
#201 by PMG $99
#200 by PMG $99
#199 by PMG $99
#198 by PMG $99
#197 by PMG $99
#196 by jafar $99
#195 by invento $99
#194 by invento $99
#190 by uttam $99
#188 by uttam $99
#187 by uttam $99
#186 by Snapp $99
#185 by Snapp $99
#184 by Snapp $99
#183 by Vins $99
#182 by Vins $99
#181 by ingepro $99
#180 by ingepro $99
#179 by Gwerth $99
#178 by Gwerth $99
#177 by Gwerth $99
#175 by Gwerth $99
#174 by Gwerth $99
#173 by Gwerth $99
#170 by Artomoro $99
#168 by Ttwenty4 $99
#167 by Uujang $99
#166 by Uujang $99
#165 by Uujang $99
#164 by TheGreat $99
#163 by Charii $99
#162 by Charii $99
#161 by Charii $99
#160 by Charii $99
#154 by sodimejo $99
#153 by Koushik $99
#152 by Koushik $99
#151 by sodimejo $99
#150 by Jhon $99
#149 by scania $99
#148 by Jhon $99
#147 by IamSoya $99
#146 by IamSoya $99
#145 by IamSoya $99
#144 by IamSoya $99
#143 by IamSoya $99
#142 by IamSoya $99
#141 by IamSoya $99
#140 by IamSoya $99
#139 by cintoko $99
#138 by jaize $99
#137 by jaize $99
#136 by jaize $99
#133 by Popay $99
#132 by Zeratu $99
#131 by DiDdzin $99
#130 by DiDdzin $99
#129 by DiDdzin $99
#128 by DADA007 $99
#127 by DADA007 $99
#124 by Artomoro $99
#123 by M Fariid $99
#121 by M Fariid $99
#120 by M Fariid $99
#119 by M Fariid $99
#118 by M Fariid $99
#117 by RLRL $99
#115 by RLRL $99
#114 by RLRL $99
#112 by Charii $99
#111 by Charii $99
#110 by Charii $99
#109 by Charii $99
#104 by oke2angconcept
#100 by DiDdzin $99
#95 by kaylee $99
#92 by salis17 $99
#86 by Charii $99
#85 by Charii $99
#84 by Charii $99
#83 by jancok $99
#82 by cocote $99
#81 by jancok $99
#80 by cocote $99
#79 by jancok $99
#78 by jancok $99
#77 by cocote $99
#76 by jancok $99
#75 by cocote $99
#74 by cocote $99
#58 by RLRL $99
#57 by RLRL $99
#56 by RLRL $99
#55 by RLRL $99
#49 by veter $99
#48 by veter $99
#47 by veter $99
#46 by veter $99
#45 by veter $99
#15 by hopee $99
#14 by hopee $99
#13 by hopee $99
#7 by onie $99
#5 by onie $99
#3 by onie $99
#1 by hidro $99