- $299
- 279
- Logo Name:
- Parque Nacional Coiba
- Company Intro:
- Hello Designers! This logo is for Coiba National Park in Panama! This logo will be used by the Government of Panama to inspire conservation measures for the park, inspire researchers to continue to study the wildlife of the park, and draw ecotourists to the park to view marine wildlife. Coiba is a jewel of the Pacific. It's famous for hosting one of the largest populations of hawksbill and green sea turtle foraging on coral reef ecosystems in the East pacific. There are several whale species like the humpback and byrde's whales in addition to sharks like the whale shark and whitetip reef shark. It's a stunning marine paradise for threatened and endangered marine migratory species, and deserves a logo that inspires conservation action. https://www.coiba.gob.pa/ http://www.coibanationalpark.com/
- Instructions:
- I think a logo similar to the Parque Nacional Galapagos logo that can have three to four colors and animal silhouettes is compelling and the clean style that the government is looking for. I also like how the words are below the circular logo. This type of logo can also be used in one color if needed. I think it would be good to use tones of green and blue, in addition to red for the scarlet macaw and a light brown for the sea turtle potentially. I was hoping that we could try a few different versions of the logo including different combinations of animals: - White tip reef shark and hawksbill sea turtle - White tip reef shark, hawksbill sea turtle, and scarlet macaw - White tip reef shark, hawksbill sea turtle, scarlet macaw and humpback whale I think the logos with fewer animals might be more powerful, but I'm excited to see what you come up with! Thank you so much for helping us represent such a special place for such beloved marine species!
- I didn't abandon the project! I was waiting for feedback from the park guards over the holidays!
Open design concept stage had ended with 279 submissions from 37 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.