- $199
- 330
- Logo Name:
- Advanced Licensing
- Company Intro:
- We are a professional business opportunity company. We specialize in licensing (more streamlined approach than franchising). Our target audience is 35-55 years old equally male and female, entrepreneur, lives is a major city, investor-mindset, thinks franchising will give them what they want but doesn’t want to franchise. Credit score of 700+.
- Instructions:
- We were dba kathy ireland Licensing but are separating and will be no longer. Please see www.kathyirelandlicensing.com. We will need a new flavicon (replacing the heart) so please include in logo. Our new font will be Montserrat or similar (NOT Baskerville). We want high readability. Our colors were blue, white, gray. We are open to changes. We will have a heavy social media/press release presence. Greens and blues…Would be interested to see some black and gold versions as well.
Reference Samples:
Open design concept stage had ended with 330 submissions from 62 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.