86 Pest & Wildlife Removal

visited this project
4 months ago
It's a pest control and wildlife removal business. Audience is home owners, businesses. Anyone with an ant or insect issue. Anyone who has nuisance squirrels or raccoons in their attic
  • Design Brief4 months ago
    Logo Name:
    86 Pest & Wildlife Removal
    Company Intro:
    It's a pest control and wildlife removal business. Audience is home owners, businesses. Anyone with an ant or insect issue. Anyone who has nuisance squirrels or raccoons in their attic
    This is my current logo. I want something more professional looking that will look good on my uniform shirts.

    Reference Samples:

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    Christian Sharp4 months ago
    My current company color is red I'd like to see options with blue. Thinking about changing from red to blue and gray
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    Christian Sharp4 months ago
    Designs look good so far I would like the words "86 PEST" to be one line then smaller do & Wildlife Removal. So that when I put the logo on my truck that the "86 PEST stands out
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    Christian Sharp4 months ago
    OK I am looking at the designs and I have more info to help. This logo will be going on a light gray truck and gray shirts. So can put them on a light gray background. Also I want the words"86 pest" to stand out. Then "& Wildlife Removal" under it. Also I like the ones with a design like a sheild or circle to the left of the words with an ant somewhere on the logo. I am open to suggestions. I'd like to see white and blue color samples and also red and white color samples. I need the words "86 Pest to really pop and stand out. So when I am driving by people see the words" 86 pest". Thanks
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    Christian Sharp4 months ago
    Also solid colors. I don't like when the colors blend on a letter from light to dark
  • subrata selected as finalist!4 months ago
  • luckyprasetyo selected as finalist!4 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed4 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 366 submissions from 58 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #405 by subrata
    #400 by luckyprasetyo
    #390 by Rainbow07
    #385 by yoppunx
    #381 by salim
    #366 by XenaArt
    #364 by MUSANG
    #362 by vinve
    #361 by maya
    #344 by Kruger
    #342 by ATTACK
    #339 by ekitessar
    #337 by daywalker
    #332 by CreativeKiller
    #331 by Sami Ur Rab
    #328 by ian69
    #317 by MuhammadSami
    #316 by design_brush
    #314 by Snapp
    #313 by paulwaterfall
    #309 by azizah
    #308 by Gwerth
    #299 by azic studio
    #294 by RLRL
    #289 by jaize
    #284 by surya
    #282 by ndaru
    #272 by fastIokay
    #270 by IamSoya
    #244 by Gilate
    #243 by LogoQueen
    #224 by mbamboex
    #186 by artery
    #181 by DreamLogoDesign
    #176 by hasibhasan
    #174 by IanGAB
    #172 by rizuki
    #162 by DiDdzin
    #155 by cintoko
    #132 by Charii
    #128 by iffikhan
    #113 by shahalam
    #99 by Ttwenty4
    #82 by goblin
    #81 by Vins
    #80 by jafar
    #71 by dewipadi
    #70 by Neng Khusna
    #68 by arifrijalbiasa
    #63 by czars
    #60 by Bright Ritchil
    #57 by ingepro
    #49 by aryamaity
    #44 by SC_Design
    #36 by Nadine Gharbi
    #35 by ragnar
    #27 by Artomoro
    #5 by hopee
    ALL 366 Designs >
  • Design #298 by subrata is declared WINNER!4 months ago
    #298 by subrata