The Fasttrack

visited this project
4 months ago
The Fasttrack is a prestigious investment mastermind where high net worth individuals gather and discuss investment opportunities.
  • Design Brief5 months ago
    Logo Name:
    The Fasttrack
    Company Intro:
    The Fasttrack is a prestigious investment mastermind where high net worth individuals gather and discuss investment opportunities.
    The Fasttrack mastermind is being created by the already established real estate company Freaky Fast Home Buyers and Investments. The Freaky Fast brand features a cartoonish, vintage man, running quickly. it goes along with the name, Freaky Fast. But that imagery can be a bit cheesy, not luxurious feeling. We want to change that with the fasttrack. We want the Fasttrack to emulate high end luxury car logos, vintage racing, and other race iconography. A dark green, much like the jaguar "british racing green". We added a possible logo idea for the Fasttrack, a top down view of a road with a speeding car.
    Screenshot 2024-10-16 at 5.10.38 PM.png
    Screenshot 2024-10-16 at 5.10.47 PM.png
    Screenshot 2024-10-16 at 5.13.21 PM.png
  • jaize selected as finalist!4 months ago
  • paseo selected as finalist!4 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed4 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 132 submissions from 30 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #135 by jaize
    #133 by paseo
    #128 by XenaArt
    #126 by Assassins
    #118 by Sami Ur Rab
    #115 by Fernanda S.
    #114 by navneet
    #107 by Gwerth
    #103 by jandu
    #93 by Gilate
    #92 by sodimejo
    #85 by DreamLogoDesign
    #81 by gitzart
    #75 by MagnetDesign
    #74 by ansh
    #69 by hasibhasan
    #61 by LogoQueen
    #54 by Rahul Biswas
    #49 by Charii
    #45 by Artomoro
    #43 by cintoko
    #42 by ingepro
    #37 by iffikhan
    #22 by Crushboysourav
    #17 by Ishika Halder
    #16 by IamSoya
    #7 by RIFQI
    #4 by rizuki
    #3 by Ssam
    #1 by qonaah
    ALL 132 Designs >
  • Design #135 by jaize is declared WINNER!4 months ago
    #135 by jaize