MK Strategy Group

visited this project
a month ago
MK Strategy Group, has a healthcare focus. Our services include Supply chain management, business development consultation and medical equipment/supply procurement and sourcing. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals combines military precision, deep industry knowledge, and extensive procurement expertise to craft customized solutions that address the unique challenges of the medical community.
  • Design Brief6 months ago
    Logo Name:
    MK Strategy Group
    Company Intro:
    MK Strategy Group, has a healthcare focus. Our services include Supply chain management, business development consultation and medical equipment/supply procurement and sourcing. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals combines military precision, deep industry knowledge, and extensive procurement expertise to craft customized solutions that address the unique challenges of the medical community.
    concepts that combine my company initials with a recognizable healthcare symbol, creating a logo that clearly communicates my healthcare industry focus while maintaining a professional appearance. Incorporate a subtle medical symbol. Consider using a QRS rhythm, or integrating a subtle medical symbol like a stylized stethoscope, caduceus into the interlocking M and K initials. We want to logo to convey a healthcare focus without being too literal. Think of using a dynamic element thatIncorporates a sense of movement or progress into the logo design, such as curved lines or an upward-pointing arrow, to represent strategy and forward-thinking. Consider using a clever design that uses negative space within the letters M and K to form a hidden healthcare-related symbol, adding an element of intrigue. Design an abstract icon that can stand alone as a recognizable symbol for your brand across various digital platforms and marketing I’m open to your suggestions. Logo Concepts: I've uploaded a few logo concepts to help you get started on some designs. I'm open to your professional logo concepts. Please use your expertise to make new logo concepts.
  • Isiah Gordon6 months ago
    1) I've uploaded a few logo concepts to help you get started on some designs 2) I'm open to your professional logo concepts. Please use your expertise to make new logo concepts.
    Logo ideas.docx
  • Isiah Gordon6 months ago
    concepts that combine my company initials with a recognizable healthcare symbol, creating a logo that clearly communicates my industry focus while maintaining a professional appearance. 1. Interlocking initials "M" and "K" 2. Healthcare symbol integrated into the design (e.g., caduceus, Cardiac heartbeat, or stethoscope) 3. Clean, professional font for "Strategy Group" 4. Color scheme: Blues or greens (associated with healthcare)
  • rdbentar selected as finalist!6 months ago
  • Asani Chie selected as finalist!6 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed6 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 541 submissions from 75 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #587 by Asani Chie
    #582 by rdbentar
    #564 by Sami Ur Rab
    #562 by Esoula
    #558 by scania
    #557 by navneet
    #543 by Osama Salem
    #541 by Charii
    #538 by jandu
    #525 by Rainbow07
    #523 by Snapp
    #521 by Diponegoro_
    #519 by PRN123
    #515 by luckyprasetyo
    #507 by clayjensen
    #499 by vuunex
    #498 by Gwerth
    #493 by bigboss
    #492 by Kraken
    #487 by sodimejo
    #485 by azizah
    #480 by jaize
    #461 by BrainStorming
    #459 by cintoko
    #452 by creator_studios
    #447 by iffikhan
    #442 by jafar
    #432 by arifrijalbiasa
    #427 by ohtani15
    #415 by puthreeone
    #398 by IamSoya
    #393 by yoppunx
    #388 by aura
    #384 by DiDdzin
    #383 by aryamaity
    #377 by rey
    #374 by qonaah
    #373 by agus
    #369 by brandshark
    #367 by YYevgenii
    #360 by salis17
    #351 by muda_belia
    #348 by Vins
    #338 by Venom
    #333 by PS03
    #331 by Crushboysourav
    #329 by zeta
    #325 by nangrus
    #315 by BeeOne
    #311 by R.Wildan
    #310 by maya
    #301 by BrightARTS
    #298 by dewipadi
    #295 by subrata
    #287 by logitec
    #286 by biaggong
    #278 by jancok
    #263 by josephira
    #253 by RLRL
    #248 by Adundas
    #241 by booker
    #230 by rizuki
    #214 by tania
    #204 by MariusCC
    #202 by AB212
    #179 by siti fajar
    #178 by DADA007
    #171 by Ttwenty4
    #152 by giphone
    #151 by kozen
    #135 by zonpipo1
    #127 by DDiancox
    #124 by Susanti
    #72 by Artomoro
    #51 by RatuCempaka
    ALL 541 Designs >
  • Design #573 by Asani Chie is declared WINNER!6 months ago
    #573 by Asani Chie