Rolling J's Farm

visited this project
5 months ago
We are Rolling J's Farm, a cannabis cultivation farm in Vermont. We have an existing logo that is "meh". We've just purchased a sister company - Stir the Pot Cannabis Kitchen - for which we've just designed a logo that we really like. We'd like to update our farm logo to "talk" better to the new sister company's logo and we're hoping that the better style of the new edibles logo can help inspire a more interesting design for farm logo. Our target audience is large - it ranges from 21-81. It is currently mostly male, but cannabis products are becoming increasingly popular with women and older people and so we definitely want the logo to speak effectively to them, as well.
  • Design Brief6 months ago
    Logo Name:
    Rolling J's Farm
    Company Intro:
    We are Rolling J's Farm, a cannabis cultivation farm in Vermont. We have an existing logo that is "meh". We've just purchased a sister company - Stir the Pot Cannabis Kitchen - for which we've just designed a logo that we really like. We'd like to update our farm logo to "talk" better to the new sister company's logo and we're hoping that the better style of the new edibles logo can help inspire a more interesting design for farm logo. Our target audience is large - it ranges from 21-81. It is currently mostly male, but cannabis products are becoming increasingly popular with women and older people and so we definitely want the logo to speak effectively to them, as well.
    What we like about our current farm logo (called "Transparent Image" in the attached files) is that it is not too "slick" - it feels fresh and organic. However, we also do not want our logo to look too "country". We want it to be authentic and have a non-urban vibe, but definitely not cutesy or hokey. One thing we absolutely, positively, 100% want to stay away from is the common aesthetic in cannabis, which is very much a "skateboarder" vibe. Those designs have bright - even garish - colors, a lot of black backgrounds, are very busy and highly patterned, and to our minds are downright unpleasant to look at. The file called "Not this not ever" is an example of this sort of ugly design. We want to avoid this like the plague! We want our logo to feel clean and open. Many potential customers still feel intimidated by the "dude" culture that still dominates the industry. We want to invite those people *in* with our logo. We often describe ourselves as "cannabis for grownups". Equally, though, we don't want our logo to be so "grown up" as to put off younger consumers. A classic, formal logo would also not be in keeping with our name, which is a gentle joke. We want to look fun but not edgy. For our current logo, we had someone actually draw the script, so it's not technically a "font". However, we're finding that the script is hard to read and that it doesn't work with fonts very well when we try to put together marketing materials in Canva. It's strange, but literally nothing looks good with it! So this time we'd like to use an actual font, and specifically a font that either already is in Canva or can be added to Canva. One of the reasons we do this is that sometimes we add taglines like "Sungrown Cannabis" or add the words "in Vermont" to make t-shirts. So having fonts that work with the logo is essential. We can use one or more of the fonts from the Stir the Pot logo if that works. They are Cinzel and Mogilite. We are certainly interested in using a script again (we like that it feels organic), but also open to other font options. It's important for it to be more readable than it currently is. We would also be curious to see if the shape of the "J" could match or echo the shape of the biggest swirl of smoke from the pot in the Stir the Pot - but only if it is readable that way. The current logo also doesn't say "Farm" and we'd like it to say that. We'd like to use the colors that are in our sister company's logo (attached - Stir the Pot), except that for our farm logo, the dominant color should not be purple but instead the darker olive green (RGB: 87 / 98 / 56, Hex Value: #576238). Shades and hues of that color are okay of course. We'd like to keep the rising sun motif - we like it. If you look carefully, you'll see that the sun's rays are cannabis leaves. That's fun. One thing we definitely want to change, though, is the brown line at the bottom. We don't like the color and it is not very interesting and we don't want to keep it. Instead, we'd like to try a similarly curved line, but behind the words rather than at the bottom, and we'd like it to be purple, and to look like mountains rather than the soil. It might take more than one line to make that work. I've attached a sketch of what it might look like (the colors in the sketch are the green, not the purple, but it gives you an idea). When we did our sister company's logo design, one designer looked at our farm's logo and did a version that had the line at the bottom, but added cannabis leaves at the end of the line. We liked how that livened things up and would be very open to having a few more cannabis leaves in the design, if it doesn't make it too busy.
    Stir the Pot Cannabis Kitchen - Colors.png
    Not this not ever.png
    Mountains - Sketch for Rolling J's Logo.png
    Transparent Image.png

    Reference Samples:

  • DreamLogoDesign selected as finalist!6 months ago
  • iffikhan selected as finalist!6 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed5 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 95 submissions from 21 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #100 by DreamLogoDesign
    #95 by iffikhan
    #69 by MUSANG
    #65 by joni
    #64 by aura
    #62 by Gwerth
    #59 by Kruger
    #58 by Sami Ur Rab
    #55 by LogoQueen
    #53 by Gilate
    #51 by ansh
    #45 by Carli
    #44 by IamSoya
    #40 by Crushboysourav
    #32 by Koushik
    #27 by Webphixo
    #26 by cintoko
    #23 by luckyprasetyo
    #15 by dewipadi
    #4 by Bright Ritchil
    #2 by Artomoro
    ALL 95 Designs >
  • Design #100 by DreamLogoDesign is declared WINNER!5 months ago
    #100 by DreamLogoDesign