African Literacy Institute

visited this project
4 months ago
We have developed a unique approach to reading that teaches children how to read in less than a year, instead of three to five years. We train teachers for free and give them the materials for free. We are a non-profit based in the USA and are faith-based. Our target is Africa. 35,000 Baptist churches in Nigeria, are teaching their children how to read using this model. FYI: We are aligned with Our Daily Bread Ministries. (Traditionally known as the devotional company). TARGET AUDIENCE: Government Education Decision Makers, Associations of Different Faith Based Association, Teachers Association, Etc. FYI: The Mzansi Institute Logo is Actually mine! (Logo Queen... I Bow!)
  • Design Brief6 months ago
    Logo Name:
    African Literacy Institute
    Company Intro:
    We have developed a unique approach to reading that teaches children how to read in less than a year, instead of three to five years. We train teachers for free and give them the materials for free. We are a non-profit based in the USA and are faith-based. Our target is Africa. 35,000 Baptist churches in Nigeria, are teaching their children how to read using this model. FYI: We are aligned with Our Daily Bread Ministries. (Traditionally known as the devotional company). TARGET AUDIENCE: Government Education Decision Makers, Associations of Different Faith Based Association, Teachers Association, Etc. FYI: The Mzansi Institute Logo is Actually mine! (Logo Queen... I Bow!)
    My plan is to offer training and a certificate of completion. I want something that gives me a logo and/or brand that looks like something I can put as a seal/header on their certificate. In Africa it means a lot to have taken time to go thru ANY type of training. No one will know it was free.(smile) After all... Readers are leaders. Lastly, Our Daily Bread ( created a video based on the work of some of my peers in Tanzania. The Video starts with a beautiful Nubian teenage girl reading. Our Daily Bread is a Christian organization. The materials are based on the Bible. The video begins with her saying in her beautiful African dialect: "Imagine If The First Book A Child Were To Read,,, Were the Bible?" I am a pastor and will be continuing to train throughout Africa. I need help with the logo and whatever else you suggest.

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Craig Clayton6 months ago
    I needed to write out what we are doing and this process helped me put that in writing. Looking forward to seeing what I get! Thanks!
  • sanworks selected as finalist!6 months ago
  • arifrijalbiasa selected as finalist!6 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed6 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 160 submissions from 34 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #160 by arifrijalbiasa
    #158 by sanworks
    #142 by done
    #141 by Sami Ur Rab
    #139 by M J
    #138 by nikkiblue
    #136 by navneet
    #128 by jandu
    #115 by Snapp
    #114 by jaize
    #109 by design_brush
    #103 by levie
    #101 by joni
    #93 by Gwerth
    #89 by Charii
    #85 by Rainbow07
    #84 by Nnoepran
    #78 by IamSoya
    #75 by iffikhan
    #64 by DreamLogoDesign
    #60 by cikiyunn
    #59 by zegeningen
    #58 by Crushboysourav
    #51 by Ariza Mauliza
    #45 by bigboss
    #44 by ansh
    #40 by luckyprasetyo
    #33 by siti fajar
    #24 by MAXR
    #22 by muda_belia
    #18 by sakarep
    #16 by ArRizqu
    #9 by qonaah
    #3 by tejo
    ALL 160 Designs >
  • Design #158 by sanworks is declared WINNER!6 months ago
    #158 by sanworks