Dobie Masters

visited this project
7 months ago
I am a dog trainer who specializes in the Doberman breed. A video series we're working on involves us training family Dobermans to be excellent family companions. Our target audience is 25-35 year old male Doberman owners living in the United States.
  • Design Brief7 months ago
    Logo Name:
    Dobie Masters
    Company Intro:
    I am a dog trainer who specializes in the Doberman breed. A video series we're working on involves us training family Dobermans to be excellent family companions. Our target audience is 25-35 year old male Doberman owners living in the United States.
    Since this isn't our main logo (just a sub-logo for this specific video series) we need something simple. We're thinking of a silhouette of a proud-looking Doberman Pinscher with cropped ears and a docked tail. The silhouette should be fairly simple in its design with the perspective either from the side or at an angle from the front (but NOT looking at the dog head-on). We'd like the words "Dobie Masters" either overtop the dog or underneath, etc. Another design we're thinking of is a similar design but one that maybe incorporates an added silhouette of the dog's owner involved somehow (either at the end of the leash or at the dog's level hugging the dog, etc) since this series is targeting family Dobermans and the addition of the owner to the design could help convey that. For consideration, please see our attached image for our primary business that is running this video series in case you'd like to consider it for cohesiveness reasons (our main logo has more colors and detail than we'd like for this Dobie Masters logo -- we want something simpler). We've also attached our first draft we had AI design for us. We don't like it. It's simple like we were thinking but the dog looks very not-proud and the logo looks cheap overall. In general, we enjoy modern/clean/simple designs. We require a unique and original logo design, free from stock images or elements where usage rights cannot be fully transferred to us. The price must include complete rights to the logo and all its components, ensuring it is fully applicable for trademark use. By submitting your design for consideration, you confirm that these conditions are met.
    PRIMARY - Dark Logo Transparent.png

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Client591997 months ago
    See the attached YouTube end screen which is one area where the logo will be placed (it will replace the current Dobie Masters logo seen in this image, which we are not happy with).
    Dobie Masters End Screen v2.jpg
  • Gwerth selected as finalist!7 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed7 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 160 submissions from 48 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #165 by Gwerth
    #157 by ZQDesigns
    #153 by Dhieko
    #151 by sheilavalencia
    #146 by design_brush
    #144 by Nnoepran
    #143 by wriddhi
    #142 by KDesigns
    #140 by veron
    #137 by graphica
    #136 by done
    #134 by Sami Ur Rab
    #132 by ian69
    #130 by Tushar
    #126 by IM.ART
    #125 by jaize
    #122 by navneet
    #118 by serprimero
    #117 by jandu
    #113 by Artomoro
    #109 by iffikhan
    #102 by joni
    #89 by shahalam
    #83 by LogoQueen
    #82 by Nadine Gharbi
    #81 by ansh
    #77 by DreamLogoDesign
    #73 by Gilate
    #71 by Adundas
    #62 by MAXR
    #55 by Crushboysourav
    #51 by ingepro
    #43 by azizah
    #42 by MagnetDesign
    #41 by senja03
    #33 by Febriyani
    #28 by RLRL
    #24 by YONK
    #23 by zeta
    #22 by Ebad uddin
    #19 by dewipadi
    #18 by cikiyunn
    #17 by qqdesigns
    #12 by deva
    #11 by oke2angconcept
    #9 by Garmos
    #8 by aryamaity
    #4 by josephira
    ALL 160 Designs >
  • Design #163 by Gwerth is declared WINNER!7 months ago
    #163 by Gwerth