OBX Custard Company

visited this project
7 months ago
Company Intro: Outer Banks Custard Company is based out of a beach town in the Outer Banks, North Carolina (OBX). We specialize in high end old fashioned soft serve frozen custard ice cream with only the best ingredients. Artwork should focus on soft serve vanilla frozen custard. The target audience is family friendly. We look to build a memorable brand and family tradition that is a must for every visit to the OBX beach.
  • Design Brief8 months ago
    Logo Name
    OBX Custard Company
    Company Intro
    Company Intro: Outer Banks Custard Company is based out of a beach town in the Outer Banks, North Carolina (OBX). We specialize in high end old fashioned soft serve frozen custard ice cream with only the best ingredients. Artwork should focus on soft serve vanilla frozen custard. The target audience is family friendly. We look to build a memorable brand and family tradition that is a must for every visit to the OBX beach.
    Logo Name: OBX Custard Company Instructions: Our company mascot is a yellow Labrador retriever named Captain who wears a captain’s hat. In the logo I would like to include a yellow Labrador and a soft serve ice cream cone. I like the idea of beach or nautical themes. Generally speaking I like simple designs that are not too complicated, something retro. I would like this logo to look good on a hat or shirt. Please find the attached images I like for inspiration. Potential color schemes: Light blues, yellow, (white/off white custard) Other potential colors that I like:  Periwinkle, navy blue, royal blue, mint, greens

    Reference Samples

  • J
    Jared Jordan8 months ago
    Updates cone designs
  • DreamLogoDesign selected as finalist!8 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed8 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 188 submissions from 45 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #198 by DreamLogoDesign
    #181 by wriddhi
    #179 by Rainbow07
    #177 by Sami Ur Rab
    #174 by ruthracam
    #168 by LogoQueen
    #167 by Gilate
    #163 by Rahul Biswas
    #141 by ingepro
    #137 by Andri
    #134 by maya
    #133 by Riyana
    #131 by uttam
    #130 by Venom
    #126 by subrata
    #125 by sanworks
    #123 by Ishika Halder
    #122 by BlessedArt
    #117 by berkah271
    #109 by navneet
    #105 by OnlyOne
    #103 by almaula
    #94 by Koushik
    #88 by tejo
    #87 by cocote
    #84 by MonkDesign
    #83 by logofighter
    #82 by design_brush
    #80 by WRDY
    #79 by Ssam
    #77 by ansh
    #68 by vishalrock
    #62 by Ebad uddin
    #42 by chuckiey
    #38 by MAXR
    #36 by ragnar
    #35 by oindrila chakraborty
    #30 by mawanmalvin
    #28 by Bright Ritchil
    #26 by brandshark
    #25 by iffikhan
    #17 by cintoko
    #9 by dewipadi
    #8 by oke2angconcept
    #6 by Beyen
    ALL 188 Designs >
  • Design #195 by DreamLogoDesign is declared WINNER!8 months ago
    #195 by DreamLogoDesign