Innovate360 Consulting

visited this project
2 months ago
The business offers a wide range of services, from project management, to marketing, branding and writing services. We help struggling or new businesses implement strategies to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and income-earning potential. We do this through precise organization and execution of strategic planning, masterful storytelling, and creative branding and marketing strategies. We are change-makers. Our target audience is seasoned businesses who need a facelift as well as new startups who need help creating identity and implementing processes that will build a solid foundation to launch. We help bring things full circle -- a complete, 360 degree transformation.
  • Design Brief8 months ago
    Logo Name:
    Innovate360 Consulting
    Company Intro:
    The business offers a wide range of services, from project management, to marketing, branding and writing services. We help struggling or new businesses implement strategies to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and income-earning potential. We do this through precise organization and execution of strategic planning, masterful storytelling, and creative branding and marketing strategies. We are change-makers. Our target audience is seasoned businesses who need a facelift as well as new startups who need help creating identity and implementing processes that will build a solid foundation to launch. We help bring things full circle -- a complete, 360 degree transformation.
    Think memorable and striking, something that stands out as the definition of innovation and communicates that we are bringing new, fresh ideas to the table. Synonyms for innovate: create, devise, establish, experiment, initiate, introduce, invent, launch, originate, pioneer, refine. I think a circle is important, whether the logo is a circle or there is a circular element to represent the 360 degree change we are making, but we also love elegance and simplicity. If it looks cartoon-ish, it will NOT be for us. We want modern, refined and classy, but also energetic and exciting. We want black or dark grey with hot pink and turquoise. Colors should be vibrant. Here are some hex codes that resonate, but feel free to use other adjacent colors in the design: PINK: f231ff, e2283, e93aea, e42001, f231ff, e928ao, f62aa0, ff1493, f50ca0, ec449b, f652a0, ffoode, e32283 TURQOUISE: 00fff0, 2bcfe0, 00e5ee, 05e0e9, 00e0eb, 05e0e9, 00f1ff, 22c0d4, 30dbe7 DARK: 000000, 444444, 545454 WHITE: ffffff ***Please provide all logos on both a dark and white background, preferrably in the same submission.*** If it looks like you have not read the brief, the design will be eliminated. I am so sorry, we just do not have time to respond to every entry that is not inline with what we are looking for. We are investing in the highest price package to get the best possible, unique options to choose from. Please try to submit something different than what we have already seen. The second place finalist WILL receive a tip. Thank you in advance for your time and effort! We are so excited about the outcome!

    Reference Samples:

  • ingepro selected as finalist!8 months ago
  • SC_Design selected as finalist!8 months ago
  • jancok selected as finalist!8 months ago
  • A
    Amy8 months ago
    I started my own consulting firm in March and am incredibly blessed with a full workload, enough that I've hired an awesome recent Howard grad to support me. All of this is thanks to God's immense blessing and calling to start a 501c3 to work with unaccompanied minors. It's a cross pollination of the two communities I find the deepest pleasure in serving: foster children and immigrant populations. The first ten percent of every cent earned by Innovate360 Consulting goes directly to benefit this work. Our services are multifaceted. One day we might be completely reinventing a business model from the ground up, then developing a company's brand to weave into every fiber of their business operations, then we're crafting incredibly powerful profiles of people from different walks of life in STEM/STEAM careers. (They're meant to inspire and impact young minds to think outside the box about their future! Isn't that the coolest?!) We also provide project management support, design killer marketing strategies, and develop social media campaigns. I even had the incredible privilege of authoring a recent article for PBS Kids! Regardless of the task, masterful, creative storytelling is the heart of our work and the most important tool we have to forward a client's goals.
  • Design Concepts Completed8 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 526 submissions from 49 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #570 by SC_Design
    #568 by jancok
    #567 by ingepro
    #545 by sheilavalencia
    #544 by Snapp
    #540 by ekitessar
    #538 by Sami Ur Rab
    #536 by Gwerth
    #532 by jaize
    #528 by MagnetDesign
    #527 by Vins
    #525 by NadeIlakes
    #520 by udinjamal
    #515 by Gesang
    #513 by DiDdzin
    #508 by muda_belia
    #504 by jandu
    #489 by luckyprasetyo
    #478 by ansh
    #472 by RLRL
    #470 by Artomoro
    #463 by Andri Herdiansyah
    #455 by Riyana
    #454 by uttam
    #448 by Koushik
    #431 by Rahul Biswas
    #413 by Akash Shaw
    #409 by DuckOn
    #403 by vishalrock
    #397 by creator_studios
    #386 by Ulin
    #378 by goblin
    #375 by hopee
    #358 by oke2angconcept
    #345 by cintoko
    #323 by bigboss
    #298 by aura
    #296 by YONK
    #284 by Susanti
    #263 by azizah
    #261 by cikiyunn
    #253 by Adundas
    #228 by Wahyu Asmoro
    #207 by iffikhan
    #169 by Asyraf48
    #106 by qqdesigns
    #60 by Yoga Perdana
    #40 by DDiancox
    #26 by semuasayangeko2
    ALL 526 Designs >
  • Design #567 by ingepro is declared WINNER!8 months ago
    #567 by ingepro