- $299
- 345
- Logo Name:
- Karakuri KB
- Company Intro:
- Business description: The main operations are purchasing and shipping machinery for the automotive industry and parts for machines. We are a specialized trading company that provides procurement/purchasing services. We handle a variety of products, including hydraulic equipment, electrical equipment, and mechanical parts, but we mainly handle products from Japanese manufacturers. Target audience: Japanese companies in Americas, Automotive company industries, Manufacturing companies. Automobile-related companies expanding into the United States and Mexico. Keep in mind the company is established in Japan, as a trading company.
- Instructions:
- Karakuri is a Japanese automata doll, given that our business is related to industry automatization we choose this name "Karakuri" and would like to represent that in the logo (automata, industry, machinery, manufacturing). We would also like to include Japanese details such as red and blue color, bring details such as the sun being Japan the land of the rising sun. The colors are suggested but not mandatory. Please avoid using the "Rising sun flag" since it was used for wars in Japan and it's a sensible among population. Please use the attachment as a suggestion, not as the base for the design. The SDF ITC Logo is a company of the group, feel free to integrate the logo in the design. For the font, try to use oriental style fonts, being a Japanese company. You can also use the Japanese hiragana for [Karakuri: からくり] and Kanji [International Trade: 国際貿易] Include compass or navigation tool in the design. Keep in mind is a "Trading company" mainly for car manufacturing companies, but not exclusively for them. Thanks.
Reference Samples:
Open design concept stage had ended with 345 submissions from 60 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.