Arden Swim Club

visited this project
10 months ago
Arden Swim club is a pool situated in a woods with a lot of trees. We want to highlight the nature aspect of the pool while also keeping the logo energized and fun feeling.
  • Design Brief10 months ago
    Logo Name:
    Arden Swim Club
    Company Intro:
    Arden Swim club is a pool situated in a woods with a lot of trees. We want to highlight the nature aspect of the pool while also keeping the logo energized and fun feeling.
    Colors should be acid green (yellowy green), bright orchid purple, and perhaps a darker green. This is a sign that is going up at the pool. Would be great if the logo could coordinate with this! But don't feel the need to match it exactly.

    Reference Samples:

  • riezra selected as finalist!10 months ago
  • Design Concepts Completed10 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 73 submissions from 25 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #74 by dasam
    #73 by ekitessar
    #72 by Sami Ur Rab
    #70 by Jamscuar
    #69 by vicafo
    #68 by Riyana
    #67 by veron
    #66 by ansh
    #63 by ora_creative
    #62 by superiors
    #59 by oindrila chakraborty
    #56 by cintoko
    #54 by Vins
    #52 by navneet
    #37 by Meherab
    #36 by ingepro
    #34 by riezra
    #33 by Gwerth
    #29 by dewipadi
    #28 by zonpipo1
    #26 by Gilate
    #24 by MonkDesign
    #23 by MAXR
    #19 by Artomoro
    #13 by jaize
    ALL 73 Designs >
  • Design #7 by riezra is declared WINNER!10 months ago
    #7 by riezra