- $299
- 102
- Logo Name:
- Glen Rose Wine and Art Festival
- Company Intro:
- https://glenrosewineandartfestival.org. We are a 501(C)3 charity and hold events around wine and food to make money for the organizations we support. We do extensive social media advertising and need a logo that (1) stands out and (2) has had a color combination that makes it easy to coordinate with t-shirts, mugs, posters, etc.
- Instructions:
- The attached design was our first logo 6 years ago but was difficult to co-ordinate with t-shirt colors and some thought we needed an upgrade. In 2023, the group chose a new logo (look on the website) but there are issues with licensing and copyright ownership so we need to develop a new brand we can carry on with. If you notice the design, inside the wine glass, on the web site, you will see the outline of a dinosaur which we would like to move away from. Glen Rose is advertised as the Dinosaur Capital of the World but that is not important in our advertising and promotion. We need a smart, somewhat sophisticated logo that we can use for the foreseeable future.
- We prefer a solidtranparent background as we have no official color. This allows us to manipulate the logo on whatever background we are using.
- We do not need a year on this logo
Open design concept stage had ended with 102 submissions from 27 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.