- $299
- 275
- Logo Name:
- Company Intro:
- I need a logo for an umbrella organization that includes safety courses used in the maritime sector.
- Instructions:
- ** ALSO READ THE ADDITIONAL NOTES, THANK YOU *** The logo should prominently display the letters SAVM in all capital letters. The text "SAVM" should be accompanied by a graphic element that is relevant to the maritime sector and incorporates a sense of safety. For example, you can use an anchor and/or a chain to establish a connection with the maritime industry. Below the logo/graphic element, there should be a description of the abbreviation SAVM, which is: Stichting Arbeidsveiligheid Maritiem Please note that this is a Dutch text, and the English translation (for your reference only) is "Maritime Occupational Safety Foundation". What we don't want (entries that do not comply will not be considered): - No vertical logos - the logo MUST be horizontal. - No gradients. - No italic fonts. - No logo with a boat. - No logo with a student cap. - No logo with a safety helmet. The preferred colors are (light) blue, green, and red, but other color combinations are also welcome. We do not have a fixed color palette in mind. See the attachd logo's for the styles we have in mind.
- RAgain - do NOT use the text Maritime Occupational Safety Foundation as it is for reference only, use the Dutch text Stichting Arbeidsveiligheid Maritiem instead - put this text on one line, all 3 words same font and size !
- RI get a lot of only-round circle submissions - I don't want vertical logo's so please don't make circle-only logos!
- Rsubmit your logo with a white background, thanks!
- RI will not comment on vertical or circle-only logos, thanks.
Open design concept stage had ended with 275 submissions from 76 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.