
visited this project
a year ago
Heritedge - Live the interior Heritedge is a business that focuses on property development, architecture and fix & flix properties in the interior of Portugal. Houses of character, farms and small houses in traditional villages. Focuses on providing modern living standards and comfort to old properties. It gives the edge to heritage. A unique blend between modern designs and features in stone and wood built properties. Targets local and foreign families that are looking to "live the interior" away from big cities. Mostly remote workers, digital nomads that love nature and value outdoor spaces
  • Design Briefa year ago
    Logo Name:
    Company Intro:
    Heritedge - Live the interior Heritedge is a business that focuses on property development, architecture and fix & flix properties in the interior of Portugal. Houses of character, farms and small houses in traditional villages. Focuses on providing modern living standards and comfort to old properties. It gives the edge to heritage. A unique blend between modern designs and features in stone and wood built properties. Targets local and foreign families that are looking to "live the interior" away from big cities. Mostly remote workers, digital nomads that love nature and value outdoor spaces
    Sleek design, mostly with 1 color but i'm happy to see any other approaches.

    Reference Samples:

  • Kryperty LTDa year ago
    The brand name is "Heritedge" the slogan is "Live the interior"
  • Kryperty LTDa year ago
    "Live the interior" refers to the geographical interior of Portugal and not the interior of a house
  • Kryperty LTDa year ago
    For some context, Heritedge aims to do this.
  • Kryperty LTDa year ago
    I'm ok with white logo logos over a dark background. a white .png might be a good option.
  • Kryperty LTDa year ago
    Portuguese architecture is rich in traditional tiles. An idea would be to combine some shapes, patterns and even colors with a minimal, line design. These elements could add some could to the design and the brand.
    azulejo portugues.jpg
    Tiles Heritedge.png
  • zeta selected as finalist!a year ago
  • mikael selected as finalist!a year ago
  • Kryperty LTDa year ago
    Zeta and Mikael, thanks for your submissions. I've left some individual comments on the finalist designs.
  • Kryperty LTDa year ago
  • Design Concepts Completeda year ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 298 submissions from 56 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #309 by zeta
    #304 by mikael
    #292 by usef44
    #290 by Sami Ur Rab
    #284 by Johndel Arnie Salaveria
    #283 by hunter$
    #280 by jaize
    #274 by sheilavalencia
    #272 by jandu
    #260 by done
    #259 by mutafailan
    #256 by FriZign
    #255 by Erasedink
    #254 by yunda
    #253 by DuckOn
    #251 by FloVal
    #249 by violin
    #246 by arifrijalbiasa
    #245 by gateout
    #233 by DADA007
    #232 by Gwerth
    #227 by mukleyRx
    #210 by lezz
    #207 by cocote
    #203 by rakuten
    #197 by Diponegoro_
    #186 by Ariza Mauliza
    #178 by nessa
    #174 by ndaru
    #170 by azizah
    #169 by FaniLa
    #162 by udinjamal
    #159 by alby
    #152 by aryamaity
    #151 by qqdesigns
    #129 by logitec
    #125 by Asani Chie
    #115 by DreamLogoDesign
    #111 by garam
    #109 by sodimejo
    #87 by bigboss
    #82 by Zevyy
    #79 by bezalel
    #78 by OnlyOne
    #75 by biaggong
    #71 by Franky.
    #63 by Artomoro
    #59 by SelaArt
    #56 by YONK
    #54 by cikiyunn
    #47 by Fear
    #36 by tejo
    #31 by Gedibal
    #30 by hopee
    #14 by dewipadi
    #5 by Vins
    ALL 298 Designs >
  • Design #304 by mikael is declared WINNER!a year ago
    #304 by mikael