
visited this project
3 months ago
The WeedThrower is the hottest tool in your shed. It’s a tool to burn weeds for landscaping instead of having to bend down and pick them up. The name obviously plays off of a flamethrower and is a modified roofing torch.
  • Design Briefa year ago
    Logo Name
    Company Intro
    The WeedThrower is the hottest tool in your shed. It’s a tool to burn weeds for landscaping instead of having to bend down and pick them up. The name obviously plays off of a flamethrower and is a modified roofing torch.
    Green coloring. Maybe some black. Would like to see some creative designs for the website/ product logo. Maybe incorporate a flame in the design.

    Reference Samples

  • Gilate selected as finalist!a year ago
  • done selected as finalist!a year ago
  • M
    MatthewMartonea year ago
    All the designs are looking awesome. I really appreciate your time and effort. I like aspect of orange flames. I like incorporating weeds but nothing to do with anything with “pot” leaf. I just think that may limit marketing of the product, otherwise I would be all for it. So just landscaping type weeds. Not to stray to far from the initial idea, but I’m debating a play on a military vibe with an OD green color and maybe an army style font for the “THROWER” word. Maybe even adding “5000” at the end in an orange coloring to play on a cartoon-like gun you would see in a video game. “WEED THROWER 5000”. Thanks again
  • M
    MatthewMartonea year ago
  • Design Concepts Completeda year ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 153 submissions from 41 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #160 by done
    #154 by Gilate
    #140 by ora_creative
    #135 by Sami Ur Rab
    #132 by jandu
    #109 by subrata
    #107 by Gwerth
    #104 by wriddhi
    #101 by jaize
    #99 by jancok
    #98 by gateout
    #96 by azizah
    #94 by afra_art
    #92 by rakuten
    #90 by LogoQueen
    #79 by Vins
    #77 by almaula
    #72 by cocote
    #70 by Sseabitmedia
    #69 by Krold IT Solutions Pvt Ltd
    #66 by garam
    #64 by cintoko
    #63 by rizuki
    #62 by OnlyOne
    #59 by DreamLogoDesign
    #52 by bigboss
    #46 by Altis
    #43 by ingepro
    #38 by cikiyunn
    #35 by themountdesign
    #32 by Koushik
    #29 by Arindam Midya
    #25 by Rainbow07
    #23 by Fear
    #18 by MAXR
    #16 by Ezhan
    #15 by Neng Khusna
    #13 by qonaah
    #12 by AB212
    #6 by dasam
    #2 by Artomoro
    ALL 153 Designs >
  • Design #160 by done is declared WINNER!a year ago
    #160 by done