InteractConnect Solutions

visited this project
8 months ago
InteractConnect Solutions is a mobile marketing company that helps small businesses such as restaurants, coffee shops, juice bars and other high-traffic brick and mortar businesses communicate with their customers via text. Their service provides these types of businesses with a kiosk, keyword campaigns and a loyalty program where they can text directly to their customers giving rewards for visiting their stores.
All Submissions167
#177 by KDesigns $99
#176 by KDesigns
#175 by KDesigns $99
#172 by vinve $99
#171 by vinve $99
#170 by vinve $99
#169 by jandu $99
#168 by jandu $99
#167 by jandu $99
#166 by jandu $99
#165 by jandu $99
#164 by jandu $99
#163 by jandu $99
#162 by jandu $99
#161 by jandu $99
#160 by jandu $99
#159 by jandu $99
#158 by jandu $99
#157 by jandu $99
#156 by jandu $99
#155 by jandu $99
#154 by jandu $99
#153 by jandu $99
#152 by jandu $99
#151 by jandu $99
#150 by jandu $99
#149 by jandu $99
#148 by jandu $99
#147 by jandu $99
#146 by jandu $99
#145 by jandu $99
#144 by jandu $99
#143 by jandu $99
#142 by jandu $99
#137 by yunda $99
#136 by usef44 $99
#134 by yunda $99
#133 by yunda $99
#132 by yunda $99
#131 by yunda $99
#130 by yunda $99
#128 by usef44 $99
#127 by usef44 $99
#123 by Venom $99
#122 by Venom $99
#121 by done $99
#120 by KDesigns $99
#119 by KDesigns $99
#115 by Venom $99
#114 by Venom $99
#110 by rakuten $99
#109 by cocote $99
#108 by cocote $99
#107 by cocote $99
#98 by garam $99
#93 by bigboss $99
#85 by AB212 $99
#73 by Kanya $99
#72 by Kanya $99
#70 by Artomoro $99
#62 by FuArt $99
#61 by FuArt $99
#60 by violin $99
#59 by violin $99
#58 by azizah $99
#57 by azizah $99
#56 by garam $99
#55 by hopee $99
#54 by hopee $99
#53 by hopee $99
#52 by hopee $99
#51 by hopee $99
#45 by jaize $99
#44 by jaize $99
#43 by jaize $99
#42 by DuckOn $99
#41 by FaniLa $99
#36 by FaniLa $99
#30 by Esoula $99
#22 by Esoula $99
#18 by Esoula $99