Pirate Backdrop

visited this project
3 months ago
We are a birthday party company and create decorations and activities. Our target audience is kids between the ages of 2-8.
  • Design Briefa year ago
    Logo Name:
    Pirate Backdrop
    Company Intro:
    We are a birthday party company and create decorations and activities. Our target audience is kids between the ages of 2-8.
    I am looking to create a backdrop for a pirate birthday party. I will attach an image of a different theme to show how we set up the parties. I will also attach a picture of how we currently have the pirate table set up to see if the backdrop being created could be made to match. I will also attach some pictures chat gpt created with some ideas I was playing around with. I need the backdrop to be able to be blown up to 84inches wide x 60inches tall. I would like the image to be symmetrical (or close to it) I don't want the image to be too busy (have too many things in it). I like them more simple. I am fine with anything from happy to tough looking pirates. I don't want pirates or images that would be too scary for a young child. We will also have a mermaid theme. These themes will sometimes be paired together. Thank you! I'm excited to see your creativity in action!
    Screenshot 2024-02-20 203834.png
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    Reference Samples:

  • coco selected as finalist!a year ago
  • Faizan Ahmed selected as finalist!a year ago
  • S
    Spencera year ago
    This is a picture to show how we would be setting up a pirate and mermaid party together. This is why I'm wanting the look of both the pirate and mermaid backdrops to match.
    Screenshot 2024-03-03 222645.png
  • Design Concepts Completeda year ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 84 submissions from 9 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #94 by coco is declared WINNER!a year ago
    #94 by coco
  • Client purchase design #91 from Faizan Ahmeda year ago
    #91 by Faizan Ahmed