- $129
- 238
- Logo Name:
- endata
- Company Intro:
- The name “EnData” is a combination of two words: “Energy” and “Data”. This combination concisely encapsulates the core services our corporation offers. We provide energy data analytics services and consulting solutions to a diverse range of energy operators, including oil and gas operators and energy regulators.
- Instructions:
- I need the logo to be simple, futuristic and represents both energy and data analytics and consulting services. i want to have the word "endata" in the logo in addition to the icon.
Reference Samples:
- Thank you all designers for your inputs. I started looking into the proposals and I would like to elaborate more on what is in my mind. I like it to be simple and futuristic design. Also, I like the idea of highlighting "EN" in "ENDATA" but not too much. Please have a look into the attached image. I like the letter "E" in font #1 and the letter "A" in the font #2. can we mix both? also, can we somehow highlight the "EN" but not too much? Also, i added a suggested logo in the attached image. this is my logo but for another company named "encerc". you can see it is similar to the infinity symbol, but the left side represents letter "E" and the right side represents letter "C". could we have something similar here where the left side still represents "E", but the right side represents "D"? It shall be compatible with the selected font type though. Thank you all again for your contributions and waiting for your innovative ideas.
Open design concept stage had ended with 238 submissions from 58 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.