Sales Strategy Network

visited this project
a year ago
We empower professionals with advanced sales strategies and leadership development to drive growth and build influential leaders. I am a certified DiSC Facilitator - working with individuals, small -mid size business that are looking to improve their workplace communication and build collaborative teams. I also host online webinars and in person workshops for sales professionals that want to learn new sales strategies, lead generation, increased revenue for business. I offer 1:1 and group coaching in sales strategies. Along with teaching and training, I am a Keynote Speaker that presents on Affirmations, Mindset and Mental Health in the workplace My Target Audience is younger/ early stage entrepreneurs or mid level management professionals that are looking to advance their personal / professional development and growth
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All Submissions209
#227 by hasibhasan $99
#226 by ingepro $99
#225 by ingepro $99
#224 by ingepro $99
#223 by hasibhasan $99
#222 by hasibhasan $99
#218 by jonggol $99
#217 by jonggol $99
#216 by wriddhi $99
#215 by wriddhi $99
#214 by wriddhi $99
#213 by wriddhi $99
#212 by sikas $99
#201 by Maharani $99
#191 by cintoko $99
#190 by cintoko $99
#189 by Maharani $99
#188 by jaize $99
#187 by jaize $99
#186 by jaize $99
#185 by jaize $99
#184 by Maharani $99
#183 by hasibhasan $99
#182 by cintoko $99
#181 by aura $99
#180 by nessa $99
#179 by Fear
#178 by Fear
#177 by Fear
#170 by vuunex $99
#169 by vuunex $99
#163 by zonpipo1 $99
#162 by zonpipo1 $99
#161 by ingepro
#160 by ingepro $99
#158 by subho88 $99
#157 by subho88 $99
#154 by hasibhasan $99
#153 by blink $99
#152 by ndndn $99
#151 by ndndn $99
#150 by ndndn $99
#149 by czars $99
#148 by cocote $99
#147 by cocote $99
#144 by subrata $99
#143 by uptogood $99
#142 by uptogood $99
#141 by uptogood $99
#135 by Euto $99
#134 by Euto $99
#133 by Euto $99
#132 by Fear
#131 by Fear
#130 by Fear
#129 by Fear
#128 by Fear
#127 by Andri $99
#126 by Andri $99
#117 by DiDdzin $99
#116 by DiDdzin $99
#115 by DiDdzin $99
#114 by DiDdzin $99
#113 by scania $99
#110 by qonaah $99
#109 by qonaah $99
#108 by paseo $99
#107 by paseo $99
#106 by jancok $99
#105 by sodimejo $99
#104 by sodimejo $99
#103 by cikiyunn $99
#102 by sodimejo $99
#101 by sodimejo $99
#100 by sodimejo $99
#99 by mikael $99
#97 by Inaya $99
#96 by ingepro $99
#93 by ingepro $99
#92 by ingepro $99
#91 by ingepro $99
#90 by ingepro $99
#89 by ingepro $99
#87 by alby $99
#81 by Kraken $99
#80 by alby $99
#79 by alby $99
#77 by Kraken $99
#76 by Kraken $99
#75 by alby $99
#74 by Kraken $99
#73 by Kraken $99
#72 by alby $99
#71 by alby $99
#70 by alby $99
#69 by alby $99
#64 by Kraken $99
#63 by hopee $99
#62 by alby $99
#61 by Kraken $99
#60 by Kraken $99
#57 by hopee $99
#56 by cintoko $99
#45 by Kraken $99
#44 by Kraken $99
#43 by Kraken $99
#42 by Kraken $99
#41 by Kraken $99
#40 by Aldabu $99
#35 by kaylee $99
#20 by huma $99
#19 by huma $99
#18 by violin $99
#16 by huma $99
#15 by huma $99
#14 by johana $99
#11 by aura $99
#9 by aura $99
#8 by aura $99