Florida Land Co.

visited this project
7 months ago
Hello! We're looking for help creating a logo and brand for a new land investment and conservation company. We’re also in the process of creating a new website and we will also need print mail design. We have a few ideas for the logo, but we are also looking for your creativity. A little about the company: It's a business, and we want the branding to be pretty mainstream business, maybe classic American. We purchase and sell land in the US and we conserve land. We just don't want to oversell the green part of our business; we don’t want to make it a super green brand. We want it to be simple, professional, easy to work with, timeless, not trendy. A little bit buttoned down/professional and accessible and friendly, but not silly, playful, or whimsical. Our target audience is owners of vacant land. They are likely to be a little older and not heavy web users, which is one of the reasons we want a more traditional logo and design.
  • Design Briefa year ago
    Logo Name
    Florida Land Co.
    Company Intro
    Hello! We're looking for help creating a logo and brand for a new land investment and conservation company. We’re also in the process of creating a new website and we will also need print mail design. We have a few ideas for the logo, but we are also looking for your creativity. A little about the company: It's a business, and we want the branding to be pretty mainstream business, maybe classic American. We purchase and sell land in the US and we conserve land. We just don't want to oversell the green part of our business; we don’t want to make it a super green brand. We want it to be simple, professional, easy to work with, timeless, not trendy. A little bit buttoned down/professional and accessible and friendly, but not silly, playful, or whimsical. Our target audience is owners of vacant land. They are likely to be a little older and not heavy web users, which is one of the reasons we want a more traditional logo and design.
    Some additional direction for the logo: * It needs to be customizable to be able to have a US version and a version for any state. Initially, we want three versions: US, Florida, and Minnesota. * We want the graphic or border shape and the company name to be intentionally integrated. Most likely an “emblem” logo, but possibly a wordmark. For example, more like Burger King, NASA (worm), Salesforce (cloud), BMW (propellor) the National Basketball Association. Less like most of these: https://www.brandcrowd.com/maker/logos/page1?Text=US%20Land%20Co.&TextChanged=true&IsFromRootPage&SearchText&KeywordChanged&LogoStyle=0&FontStyles&Colors&FilterByTags (company name below a big graphic). * It needs to work well printed in black and white. We want a black and white version and a color version. The color version can have one or two colors. We're open to your color ideas. Of course they need to make sense with the brand and other guidelines we've provided. Ultimately, beyond the logo, we will want to develop a color scheme for the brand. We will use it for the website and some print material. * We will need a compact version and a horizontal version, along with various options for print mail campaigns, website, favicon, etc. * text font needs to be free/no paid license required for use * We are open to either Title Capitalization or ALL CAPS. * Our best idea so far is to use a diamond shape as the border of the logo. The shape is like the shape of a rectangular land lot, which is relevant for a land business. Maybe there is a way to also use this shape as a small logo that we can put next to a wordmark when we need a horizontal logo. (See attached examples some quick versions I made in Paint.) We would like to see both improved variations of the ones that we made as well as creative ideas, especially clever ones! Most likely the logo will work better with "Co." but actual company name has "Company" spelled out so that is an option too. And remember to make it so we can easily have a version with “US Land Co./Company” and a version with Florida/Minnesota/other states Land Co./Company” SEE ATTACHMENT FOR POSSIBLE BORDER SHAPES, LAND-RELATED IMAGE CONCEPTS, LOGO DESIGNS THAT WE LIKE, AND QUICK SKETCHES OF LOGOS THAT WE DRAFTED. Again, we'd like to see versions of those as well as new ideas that you bring. Thank you!
    2024-01-22 USLC logo brainstorm.pdf
  • C
    Client55721a year ago
    Hello, thanks everyone. We are still looking for a design -- we are not likely to choose any of the entries so far. If you would like to submit a design, please review this new simpler guidance in the attachment dated 2024-01-30.
    2024-01-30 48 hrs - redirect to emblem.pdf
  • Contest Relisteda year ago
  • C
    Client55721a year ago
    Thanks for your efforts! We have selected a theme not based on any of the submitted designs, so we decided to relist the contest for 48 more hours to see some designs based on this theme. Please see the attached 6 images (3 PDFs).
  • paseo selected as finalist!a year ago
  • scolessi selected as finalist!a year ago
  • C
    Client55721a year ago
    FLORIDA LAND CO: 174 is probably the closest but we don't want red/white/blue for Florida Land Co and we would like to see some different options with this design. Please experiment with colors (max 3) and remember that we will also need a version that works well for printing in black and white. Also let's experiment with fonts and optionally also the spacing between the elements. We are good with sans serif and the approximate weight of the font in 174. We also like the fonts where the letters on the right side (A, D, and O) have vertical outside lines instead of curved or angled ones. The D and O are like that in 174, but maybe it's also possible with the A. We're also probably good with the spacing of 174, although you could experiment with that as well if you want. We would like to keep it exactly square overall with three exact squares (no rectangles). We will also consider very minimal rounding of the corners for the three squares. **** US LAND CO: We're deciding between a logo similar to 89 and a logo similar to 90/204. In either case we want the overall shape to be exactly square and we want the smaller shapes to be exact squares (no rectangles). We want it to look square and balanced. We also don't want it to be overly crowded. We will consider very minimal rounding of the corners for the three squares. For US Land Co. We would like to see different spacing, font, and color options. For color, we are open to blue and red but are also open to other color combinations that make sense. Please keep in mind that we will also need a version that works for printing in black and white. Thank you!
    2024-02-08 images for finalists.pdf
  • C
    Client55721a year ago
    Hello paseo, pardon the delay. We would like to complete this project. Can you please replicate the attached? It's Kelson Sans font with the spacing between the letters adjusted in LAND, hex colors 326b8a and b56e3a. The logo should be square. The box in the center-bottom should be centered horizontally and the box in the center-left should be centered vertically. Let me know if you have any questions. Once we get the logo finalized, we will want the other deliverables. Thanks!
    FLC logo draft 2024-03-12.png
  • Design Concepts Completeda year ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 211 submissions from 48 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #229 by paseo
    #215 by scolessi
    #213 by Sami Ur Rab
    #210 by subrata
    #206 by jonggol
    #205 by Erasedink
    #199 by sheilavalencia
    #197 by done
    #196 by ora_creative
    #194 by Kirito
    #184 by denfransko
    #182 by oindrila chakraborty
    #181 by clayjensen
    #180 by tania
    #179 by jaize
    #175 by fastIokay
    #172 by violin
    #171 by scania
    #167 by cintoko
    #156 by kimora
    #145 by Euto
    #144 by daywalker
    #141 by yoppunx
    #128 by muda_belia
    #125 by M Fariid
    #119 by luckyprasetyo
    #116 by ragnar
    #115 by DDiancox
    #112 by Zevyy
    #111 by Franky.
    #108 by dencowart
    #105 by Wisanggeni
    #103 by Kanya
    #98 by johana
    #93 by Artomoro
    #86 by RatuCempaka
    #81 by planoLOGO
    #61 by vuunex
    #60 by paulwaterfall
    #53 by bernard ferrer
    #51 by arifrijalbiasa
    #34 by Webphixo
    #33 by MagnetDesign
    #29 by Fear
    #23 by Koushik
    #19 by dolce gusto
    #15 by Toraja_@rt
    #2 by mewlana
    ALL 211 Designs >
  • Design #229 by paseo is declared WINNER!a year ago
    #229 by paseo