Dubai Athletics Cheer

visited this project
10 months ago
Dubai Athletics Cheer is the core organization currently introducing the sport of cheerleading to the UAE. Cheerleading is currently a nonexistent sport and Dubai Athletics Cheer is on a mission to change that. Our organization will be partnering with schools, introducing the sport of cheerleading to students and parents.
  • Design Briefa year ago
    Logo Name:
    Dubai Athletics Cheer
    Company Intro:
    Dubai Athletics Cheer is the core organization currently introducing the sport of cheerleading to the UAE. Cheerleading is currently a nonexistent sport and Dubai Athletics Cheer is on a mission to change that. Our organization will be partnering with schools, introducing the sport of cheerleading to students and parents.
    Similar to the UAE Allstars logo, we're looking to have DAC, and the brand name "Dubai Athletics Cheer" at the forefront in an Athletic, all-caps font. Colors utilized should be Red & Green (flag colors) with silver and gold as well. I'll provide hex codes below but these can be adjusted as necessary. Similar to the UAE reference logo, we're looking to have a background behind the text as well. Prominent symbols used in the logo should be *Illustration/Outline of the Dubai 3 Fingers Statue *Possibly incorporate of the Dubai skyline in the background Logo style should be edgy and vibrant. Gold: FFC30B Silver: A9B0B4 Red: C70000 Green: 00732E
    dubai 3 fingers - Google Search.jpeg

    Reference Samples:

  • jaize selected as finalist!a year ago
  • Design Concepts Completeda year ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 52 submissions from 17 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #53 by jaize
    #49 by Pompi
    #47 by logofighter
    #45 by Indung Triatmojo
    #38 by niichan12
    #32 by DreamLogoDesign
    #28 by Gilate
    #27 by LogoQueen
    #24 by Webphixo
    #23 by MAXR
    #18 by Euto
    #16 by Koushik
    #10 by uttam
    #8 by rizuki
    #7 by Kruger
    #6 by Artomoro
    #3 by dewipadi
    ALL 52 Designs >
  • Design #53 by jaize is declared WINNER!a year ago
    #53 by jaize