- $199
- 386
- Logo Name:
- Prio.Fit Wellness
- Company Intro:
- Target Audience: Fitness Enthusiasts Focused on Balance and Proprioception Our target audience is individuals passionate about fitness, with a special focus on improving balance and proprioception. Proprioception is the body's ability to sense its position and movement, crucial for coordinated and precise physical activities. Key Characteristics: 1. Health-Focused: Regularly engage in exercise for overall well-being. 2. Challenge Seekers: Enjoy activities that require body awareness, like yoga or martial arts. 3. Holistic Approach: Interested in enhancing balance, agility, and body awareness. 4. Eager Learners: Always looking for new techniques to improve fitness. 5. Age-Varied: Includes both young and older individuals, all valuing mobility. 6. Tech-Friendly: Open to using fitness gadgets and apps. 7. Community-Oriented: Active in fitness groups, sharing experiences and advice. This group values not just physical strength but also the intricate control and awareness of their bodies.
- Instructions:
- We like the connectivity of circuits which represents the connectivity of our brain and body parts. We're looking for a logo that can be put on a circular decal or be used as a stand-alone. "PF" can be used or "Prio.Fit" with "wellness" being added after
Reference Samples:
- PPlease try to incorporate the circuit connection in the logo
- PHere is a very rough idea of where I'm headed
- PThis is the logo we are going with but want to make it a little more 3d like the sample images
Open design concept stage had ended with 386 submissions from 72 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.